Grow room upgrades


Well-Known Member
Ok, so i figured out what I'm gonna do and have everything pretty much shopped out.

4 1000w hids- wing reflectors (dimmable ballasts this time, that alone will cut electric costs in veg the ones I have now don't dim) bulbs facing each other, 4ft spacing lights closest to wall 2ft from wall.

1 600w hid- wing reflector dimmable ballast centerd between the other 4 lights.

(All ballasts will be located outside of grow room.)

Cost of light upgrade- $373 for the 1000w ipower ballasts, already have the 600 $30 for the wing reflector, already have 4.

Environment- already have 15kbtu windows ac adding 8k btu portable, placement closet in far corner of room ducted through the wall into the bedroom window next door, likely need small booster fan.

“Whole house” Humidifier

Co2 20lb tank controller, whole kit really. Lines run above canopy not sure about exact placement

Costs of upgrades
Portable ac $225
Co2 kit $495
Humidifier $109

2 8plant stirponic systems. Just need to get the 1" bulkheads, tubes and sump pumps, got everything else, going with the 6" netpot lids too. $165

Bringing it to $1367.

Hoo hoo hoo I’m looking forward to this. Probably got enough for it just drying right now and more than enough on my gorrilla glues(they need to hurry up and finish ripening). I feel like a kid before Christmas might need to tweak light spacing a bit but that's why I'm here.
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Switching to an air handler and an actual A/C unit instead of the portables would be a better investment

Air handler? Idk what that is. I have a 15k btu window ac unit, the portables ones just to add enough cooling to cover the additional lights. Can't install a mini split since I'm renting otherwise I would've already.
Air handler? Idk what that is. I have a 15k btu window ac unit, the portables ones just to add enough cooling to cover the additional lights. Can't install a mini split since I'm renting otherwise I would've already.
An air handler is like a furnace without the heat option
You can put one in with an outside condenser and all it takes is a hole in the wall for power and Line sets to go thru
Much cheaper to run than portables
I thoughts about just getting a bigger window unit 24k btu, but figured adding a portable would be not only cheaper but help eliminate hot spots by adding a second cooling point.
Oh OK, I think the central air unit has one. That things ancient(the central ac) and the landlord really should replace it. Barely cools the place in the summer.
The portable ac will be vented through the wall into my bedroom window. I pretty much live in the living room anyways so it won't really be in the way.
God damn, yall must have high kwh rates Mines like 9cents/kwh

I always have to tell people telling me how much I'd save by switching to LED that it would take me 4-5 years to recover the initial costs through electricity savings to replace my HID.

Off-peak4.128 ¢ per kWh