Grow Setup Help/Questions....

I am thinking of starting a new grow, I have grown outdoors with success before.

My plan is to take an old dresser and gut it for a setup.
That or build a dresser that looks natural myself that is ready to get a grow put in.

The problem is I do not know the first thing about indoor growing. I could write a long paragraph about what I plan to do but I am afraid that the details would get lost in translation in my rambling lol... so I will just list the details below.

Number of Plants: 2-3 Full Plants OR 5-6 Autoflowers

Chambers: One, I do not need a cycle for continuous harvests as it is for personal use.

Medium: Hydroton, or something similar.

Container: Custom Built 2 Gallon buckets on a feeding system that draws nutes and water from the reservoir at the bottom and releases at the top to have it running around the root system at all times.

That is really all I have for now. I have a few questions though... which I will list for ease again:

1. Can an indoor grow run on the same light? I know auto's can but can normal plants run under the same HPS light with just a different cycle for veg/flowering?

2. What size light do I need for this? The guy at the Hydro store said a 250W HPS light would run 2 plants easily.

3. I need this to be on the down low as my parents and friends visit all the time, what fan should I buy that is quite? What size and how many do I need?

4. Can anyone link me to a tutorial on setting up a grow box/dresser? I can adapt the instructions to fit my grow.

5. Odor to me would not be an issue, but as stated with the friends and family coming over I would prefer to block it... I was told to look into Carbon filters but how would I set those up with the fans?

6. If I am missing anything do you have any suggestions?

7. How is every one doing tonight? :-)

Here is my plan so far on the build, but this is just me spit balling ideas around let me know if I should change anything.

Take an average dresser and gut the entire inside. Mount the drawers onto a piece of MDF board and back onto the dresser. I am going to institute a hinge system so I can secure the drawers on the MDF to the dresser but I can release it when I need to get in.

Coat the entire inside of the dresser in Panda Film then on top of that a reflective WHITE film. Cut holes in the back for the fan(s) and build a light trap to extend and cover the fan.

Hang the lights near the top of the dresser on chains so I can lower/raise as I see fit. I will mount a small fan in the top corner of the dresser oscillating to circulate the air inside the dresser.

I will have the plants each in their respective 2 Gallon containers with a small distance between them (not much room but enough to fit 6 containers if needed) for outward growth.

Of course I will have the ballast on the outside of the dresser but hidden behind it as well as all of the wires I can run through a hole only big enough to group and run them.

I know it may seem, well to me at least, like I know for the most part what I am talking about but I really don't I just did a lot of research before I came to ask for help. I am a strong believer in the the "Search Button" so I did as much research as I could before breaking down and asking for help. So this is where I turn it over to the experts here :-)

Like I said this is a small grow for personal use, well for my girlfriend she has come up with some issues and her doctor recommended smoking but due to people not understanding the medicinal uses of MJ I have to resort to this. If it wasn't for my job and the frequency of drug tests for me I would still be a daily smoker myself :weed:

Ahh and the dimensions of the dresser are not important I will build one dependent on the space I need myself if needed or I will pick up a scrap dresser from around town and gut it.

I will need it to fit in a closet so I would say width wise I only have about 3-4 Feet... Height wise I could care less it will just look like a clothes dresser in the back of a closet.

Thanks in advance for all advice and tips,



Active Member
I am thinking of starting a new grow, I have grown outdoors with success before.

My plan is to take an old dresser and gut it for a setup.
That or build a dresser that looks natural myself that is ready to get a grow put in. >>>Find a big dresser on side of road cheap and real.

The problem is I do not know the first thing about indoor growing. I could write a long paragraph about what I plan to do but I am afraid that the details would get lost in translation in my rambling lol... so I will just list the details below.

Number of Plants: 2-3 Full Plants OR 5-6 Autoflowers

Chambers: One, I do not need a cycle for continuous harvests as it is for personal use. Grow 2 see how it goes see if room for 3rd = perpetual?

Medium: Hydroton, or something similar.

Container: Custom Built 2 Gallon buckets on a feeding system that draws nutes and water from the reservoir at the bottom and releases at the top to have it running around the root system at all times.

That is really all I have for now. I have a few questions though... which I will list for ease again:

1. Can an indoor grow run on the same light? I know auto's can but can normal plants run under the same HPS light with just a different cycle for veg/flowering? ?>>Can be done learn as you go

2. What size light do I need for this? The guy at the Hydro store said a 250W HPS light would run 2 plants easily. >>> yes but will you need cooling? cfl runs cooler
3. I need this to be on the down low as my parents and friends visit all the time, what fan should I buy that is quite? What size and how many do I need? 1 for cfl filter use a computer fan from "OLd" case with a real switch 110v

4. Can anyone link me to a tutorial on setting up a grow box/dresser? I can adapt the instructions to fit my grow.

5. Odor to me would not be an issue, but as stated with the friends and family coming over I would prefer to block it... I was told to look into Carbon filters but how would I set those up with the fans?

6. If I am missing anything do you have any suggestions? Own a old computer set it beside the dresser if it came from a smoker you will not need carbon they stink enough and use the computer fan(s)

7. How is every one doing tonight? :-)

Here is my plan so far on the build, but this is just me spit balling ideas around let me know if I should change anything.

Take an average dresser and gut the entire inside. Mount the drawers onto a piece of MDF board and back onto the dresser. I am going to institute a hinge system so I can secure the drawers on the MDF to the dresser but I can release it when I need to get in.

Coat the entire inside of the dresser in Panda Film then on top of that a reflective WHITE film. Cut holes in the back for the fan(s) and build a light trap to extend and cover the fan.

Hang the lights near the top of the dresser on chains so I can lower/raise as I see fit. I will mount a small fan in the top corner of the dresser oscillating to circulate the air inside the dresser.

I will have the plants each in their respective 2 Gallon containers with a small distance between them (not much room but enough to fit 6 containers if needed) for outward growth.

Of course I will have the ballast on the outside of the dresser but hidden behind it as well as all of the wires I can run through a hole only big enough to group and run them.

I know it may seem, well to me at least, like I know for the most part what I am talking about but I really don't I just did a lot of research before I came to ask for help. I am a strong believer in the the "Search Button" so I did as much research as I could before breaking down and asking for help. So this is where I turn it over to the experts here :-)

Like I said this is a small grow for personal use, well for my girlfriend she has come up with some issues and her doctor recommended smoking but due to people not understanding the medicinal uses of MJ I have to resort to this. If it wasn't for my job and the frequency of drug tests for me I would still be a daily smoker myself :weed:

Ahh and the dimensions of the dresser are not important I will build one dependent on the space I need myself if needed or I will pick up a scrap dresser from around town and gut it.

I will need it to fit in a closet so I would say width wise I only have about 3-4 Feet... Height wise I could care less it will just look like a clothes dresser in the back of a closet.

Thanks in advance for all advice and tips,

Tryed to give answers in line so read thru, just kiss suggestions


Active Member
you should take a look through the grow journals on this site, they'll give you some ideas. You should also take the time to just browse through this forum, the was a guy who showed his stealth cab grow, was pretty slick&#8230; you can PM him for details, here is that link: >>> <<<

you can check out my grow journal for some info&#8230; i'm a first time but learning a lot and might be able to answer some Qs

1. Can an indoor grow run on the same light? I know auto's can but can normal plants run under the same HPS light with just a different cycle for veg/flowering?

2. What size light do I need for this? The guy at the Hydro store said a 250W HPS light would run 2 plants easily.

3. I need this to be on the down low as my parents and friends visit all the time, what fan should I buy that is quite? What size and how many do I need?

4. Can anyone link me to a tutorial on setting up a grow box/dresser? I can adapt the instructions to fit my grow.

5. Odor to me would not be an issue <<< You Mean "Odor WOULD be an issue"????, but as stated with the friends and family coming over I would prefer to block it... I was told to look into Carbon filters but how would I set those up with the fans?

6. If I am missing anything do you have any suggestions?

7. How is every one doing tonight? :-)

1. - yes, i'm currently using HPS to go all the way through to harvest&#8230; except for when they were seedlings, they were under a T5 light. more of a white/blue~ish spectrum is preferred for vegging but is not mandatory. People have grown with CMH (ceramic metal halide) runs cooler&#8230; some folks grow under LEDs now, seems to get great results but it's pricey!! Some go all the way through with T5s, using the 6500ks for veg then switching to 2400ks for flower
2. - it really depends on the size of your grow space IMHO
3. - check the DIYs, some people put fans in a sound proof made box&#8230; i use insulated ducting, but again depends what you're growing in and where your choosing to stealth it in the house
4. - again i'd just search round the forum, already tons of info I've' seen just by browsing&#8230; sometimes when you're not looking for anything specific u stumble across lots of good information. Hopefully your not in a rush and you'll be able to put in research before jumping into it all
5. - control smell&#8230; that's what my phresh filter does&#8230; look into a carbon filter
6. - again just browse the board, here is a journal i sub'd too&#8230; CFL auto flower &#8212; >>>* <<<
7. - LIFTED :bigjoint:


Active Member
This is stealth? So a computer and a fish tank in the closet? Just saying you are using your abilities to go stealth and believable? Why the cord going into your closet? I would run an outlet behind a dresser but that might raise suspicion? A lot of lines to read between, but I replaced wife #2 breaker box so my solution is different: wait to grow MJ when it is legal for me. you go as complex and $$$ as you can handel. Or just sit up and read this sight.


Active Member
Back when I had 2 teen sons at home son asked for real headache pill? Ok go get a Lortab off my night stand (not a soma, valium or elivil) so why did he say he tripped for 3 days mistook a round brown for 'tyolonol"? I worked security, one building I checked for bomb threat each morning. So second son brings friend to church service. I go out to car find a stash and get rid of it. Getting pizza call 911 large teen running to get his cousin. "I need help with a teen at Pizza HUT! SO! So! he is 6'4" 260#! Oh! Get someone right there! So the responding officer was his karate instructor. My son claimed it was his pot his buddy was on probation for pot Surprize Surprize! So I went to court to see my baby in leg irons and went before the judge! Quoting the Judge" I see what you are doing BUT your son stated it was his pot! So it is his pot! So he will not get his drivers license until he is 18. (3 year slap on the wrist?) So just off the top of my head: son why is your room warmer than the rest of the house? Or you could vent into attic or out side. I do not use pot it makes me paranoid: read the "Stealth" posts that is some paranoid peoples? So plan on all aspects being noticed: sound of pump, fan, ballast buzz hope it does not interfere with a tv? just hate the noise from an exhaust fan in the bath? There is a post to isolate your inline fan but it is not stealth? So good luck for your moms sake!
Say I had 4-6 Full Period plants at max.... what size light would I need? Is there much of a difference between CFL and HPS?
I live on my own with my girlfriend, I do need it to be stealth but I am deff trying to go that route... I just would prefer them to not have any reason to worry about me.

How do I set the phresh filter up? Does it just mount over fan? Same questions as Grizlbr what size light would you go with if I had a 5ft x 4ft space with 4-6 plants?

Thank you both for your replies and I will post as I get more, I appreciate your help thus far.


Active Member
How do I set the phresh filter up? Does it just mount over fan? Same questions as Grizlbr what size light would you go with if I had a 5ft x 4ft space with 4-6 plants?
used self tapping screws to connect the 6" fan to the filter and some tape to seal any air leaks. So the fan is sucking air FROM the filter moving it through the fan, then through my reflector hood to cool off the light, then vented outside.

air inside tent/cabin/whatever you used gets sucked in from the Filter (this is how the odor control happens) through the > Fan blowing into the > Reflector hood > outside.

and You can go with a 400w light&#8230; with the Lumatek ballast I'm running&#8230; i can dim it to 250w if 400w is too much&#8230;*so an option for you to think about when choosing your items.
I will look into that, I wouldn't mind being able to dim it.... so does your hood have pre-built holes for you to run to for cooling? I will have to buy one that does... care to post up some pics? I am pretty good at replicating photos when I build or set things up lol....
If you are trying to keep this from your parents you may want to do some electricity consumption calculations. Then you need to decide if they really won't notice the increase in the electric bill. The last thing you want them to do is start snooping around trying to figure out were all the electricity is going. Or worse! Complain to the electric company that may just come out and do a courtesy audit.

Are you into computers? Are your parents the non-techie types? If so, pick up an old server or two and some other junky computer gear. Tell the parents you want to start a "server farm" for educational purposes. Explain that electrical usage will go up and offer to pay the difference. The servers will be great cover for the added heat and fan noise too.

Often times its tricky enough just keeping a grow from neighbors. I couldn't imagine trying to keep it from someone in the same house. Especially if they are the one's paying the electric bill LOL.

Good Luck! Sounds like a fun project.
To clarify again....

I do NOT live with my parents...

They visit every once in awhile that is where the stealth part comes in... The only thing I am worried about is Sound and Smell...
Oh, gotcha. I still think putting something noisy next to, or on top of the dresser is a great way to mask sound. Quiet fans would be great. But if there is ANY noise coming from a lone dresser it will be suspicious. Looks like you are well on your way to a successful build.
I sure hope so :-)

I will get most of the parts from a local hydro shop (he can order anything) that way it is all cash and nothing is paper traced to me... cash tells no story and knows no names :-)


Well-Known Member
you should check out stelthy's 600w hps project its like 240 pages but you can get a lot of ideas from him. he seems really helpful. he's really into the cabinets and dressers