Hi everyone, wanting to upgrade from my cab to a new grow area. I'm hoping to utilize a closet, but it isn't entirely necessary to be done in the closet. I'm currently doing a cfl grow in a cabinet that I made doing one plant. I want to do 2 my next time around and change things up a bit. I will be swapping to mh/hps and this is what im going to purchase..
Now I understand that I need to vent that cool tube and im going to need to make my own carbon scrubber, would like some more info on this as well.
Going to be using 5 gal buckets or smart pots not sure yet. Strain is undecided at the moment. Im hoping to do a duo scrog if possible?
And I'm uncertain if I should purchase a grow tent or frame up my own grow stand up cabinet. If I go grow tent this is what im gonna be shooting for.
Do you think this tent will be sufficient for what I want to do? Any and all advice is more. than welcome
Now I understand that I need to vent that cool tube and im going to need to make my own carbon scrubber, would like some more info on this as well.
Going to be using 5 gal buckets or smart pots not sure yet. Strain is undecided at the moment. Im hoping to do a duo scrog if possible?
And I'm uncertain if I should purchase a grow tent or frame up my own grow stand up cabinet. If I go grow tent this is what im gonna be shooting for.
Do you think this tent will be sufficient for what I want to do? Any and all advice is more. than welcome