Grow Setup


Well-Known Member
When you say you have 6 100w cfl's, do you mean they put out as much light as a 100w incandescent? Because I believe most 100w cfl's require a mogul base to run. I have 26w cfl's that burn at 6500K and make 1600 lumens ea, also 42w cfl's at 2700K that make 2700 lumens, and 30w cfl's at 3500K that make 2000 lumens. Most of them except for my veg. box have been replaced with one 400w hps running a ceramic metal halide bulb (wanted to try) for flowering.
Your kids are looking nice though and they will love the new light, esp. for flowering them. You using any nuts? Might want to try some bloom nuts at like a 1-3-2 npk ratio. Then maybe some grandmas molasses the last couple weeks of flowering at like 1 tbs per gal h2o. This is what im trying, starting my 12/12 cycle today. =) GL man


Well-Known Member
What's good my ninja. I started flowering mine on thursday. But I kinda feel like I started too late, I think they gonna outgrow my closet space, they really started taking off the last few days since flowering, maybe like 3 or 4 inches, in as many days. So, I would suggest starting flowering when your around 12 inches or so, just cuz wit bag seed you dont know how they gonna grow ya dig. Just my two pennies, otherwise all is lookin fly to the sky. Keep us posted


Well-Known Member
I had the 26 watt 6500k but.......All the bulbs blew when I tripped ova the cord man lol...Im clumsy as fuck...But I just got 3 shop lights now...Dunno how many lumens cuz the box didnt say...But its pretty good though...Got a few pix 4 yall to check out. HPS should be in this week sometimes...Tired of waiting man...Nutes, I really dont know what to use. I added a lil epsom salt and miracle grow but thats it.

Check out da pix though...They lookin pretty damn good to me peeps!



New Member
First of,what kinda soil you using?Also,if youre not planning in flowering anytime soon,go to Home Depot...and buy a bag of BloodMeal & BoneMeal.Theyr usually made by Vigoro.Now when you get home,get a gallon(empty a gallon on milk,etc) of clean water and put a tablespoon of BloodMeal...Now use this water as your veg nutrients!Trust me its good shit for vegging plants,its 12-0-0!!!Now is that alot of nitrogen or what!?Then repeat this but use BoneMeal for flowering...

Remember that BloodmEAL IS FOR VEGGING..and bonemeal is for flowering.You can alos use urine for vegging plants,but only if your diet is clean.I dont recommend it,but they say urine is a very good fertilizer(diluted ofcourse)....

Oh I forgot,spent coffee gorunds is a very good source of nitrogen for vegging plants..just add to soil,or mix with water.Use these homemade fertilizers and your plants will EXPLODE with growth.Any questions jsut holla at me.


Well-Known Member
yo if i say if ya still down to top em do it now an keep veggin for a few weeks, so dem branches get nice an big for clonin


Well-Known Member
I got some kinda organic soil man, Ion even know 4real lol...But Ima get that bone blood shit too...I got 8 plants (4 small, 4 big). The big ones, how da hell do I clone them NOW?


Well-Known Member
to clone get sum rootin horemone, then make a propagation chameber, basicly a green house to put ur cutting/s in. after that find a branch that is at least 4 nodes long, or cut ur plant from the top at 4 nodes, then trim of a set of leaves to get more access to the stem, next take like a razor an scrape like a lil bark off the bottem tip of the clone an apply the rooting hormone, to that area, then plant the cutting in soil or rockwool, then place ur planted cuting in inside thepropagation chameber,under24


Well-Known Member
You should maybe try doing some research on your own instead of asking every stupid little question you have. Google or Wikipedia "nodes" and there you go you have your answer.

Tom :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
Aint nobody ask 4 ya help ina 1st place pimp...Dont come on here talkin shit knowin u aint gon do nun...If u aint talkin bout money u aint talkin bout shit neway so haul ass pimpin


New Member
Lol dam..ya boiz tripping....anyways blueberry,nodes is the set of leaves on a plant.As they grow,more leaves start coming up right?Every new set of leaves are nodes..the more bodes you have,the more buds will come out,cus cannabis flowers grow from the node...any other question?


Well-Known Member
Dats Tom bitch ass talkin crazy...But yea I got you. Im thinkin this dudes talkin bout bud cuz I watched Mr.Green and he kept sayin FAT NODES