Grow space single motherplant(White Widow) grow outdoors.

So, i decided i start the force flower.I have no large trash bags at the moment so i scooped up some old blankets:)
I will upgrade it when i can:hump:

Now U see it...

Now U dont...

My plant is on top of "the Volcano" and in the lower part i can see some light.i just hope this cover is enough to introduce it to 12-12 and dont cause no hermie:hump:

dude... do your thing and all... but i tell ya that those things are very easy to spot from the air. I wouldnt leave anything out there except for my plants.... good luck though
can it breathe with those blankets and is it really hot today? its like 90s where i am today

i heard the best way to make the force flower tent is with layers of black trash bags and a layer of white trashbags so it dosnt absorb light/make heat. all of the bags are torn with big air holes and there put together loosely and kinda sloppy on purpose so the plant can brethe. another person said they mane 2 tents, one with a black tarp rith a few air holes, one with a blue tarrp over the black one by a foot or more. and then alot of that fake leaf stuff, cammo netting, i think its called

hope that starts some ideas going. as for the minor light leak, its probobly only effecting the bottom part or the plant anyways. i hope for you it dosnt cause a hermie, it shouldnt

oh and id take the tent off as soon as its dark out. that might cause a problem walking into the woods when its pitch black but your plant should want to breathe at night and see the morning, you know what i mean?

Thanks 4 thought bro.
Yep-thats my plan-when its night then camp to plot and remove the shit.It isnt very hot, so heat is no problem.
dude... do your thing and all... but i tell ya that those things are very easy to spot from the air. I wouldnt leave anything out there except for my plants.... good luck though

Yes it is, but what choice do i have?None.But it is only one plant and i dont think they will search it 4 air-it may look weird form the air, but it only one plant and really small plot.

So yes, im on a full job now.Have to put it on every evening and then remove it when the sun has cone down.I wish i could get payed as well(buds-mmmmm)
well good luck my friend... not sure when it starts flowering in your area... but its starting in mine like a week ago... i have some nice buds on the 8 miles high forming right now...

i had to reformat my drive so i lost all my links... But i had a web site that you put your zip code and it tells you the suns schedule... when it comes up and when it comes down.... this way you could have known before hand... i cant imagine that you would have had to wait too much longer....

in any case ..good luck my brotha...
So, i decided i start the force flower.I have no large trash bags at the moment so i scooped up some old blankets:)
I will upgrade it when i can:hump:

Now U see it...

Now U dont...

My plant is on top of "the Volcano" and in the lower part i can see some light.i just hope this cover is enough to introduce it to 12-12 and dont cause no hermie:hump:
k so now that ur introducing 12/12 with the banky.... r u gonna have to do this everyday by shorting the light cycle??? its a big commitment.. gotta do it everyday which leaves trails and such... what if u cant make it there for a day or 2 or a few days here and there... like not monday or thursday cuz ur buzy or sumthin.. will that not affect it??? perhaps herm it??
you should only need to do it for a week or two, and it shouldnt be too much of a commitment

just keep an eye on the sun its gonna take some math and astrology to make things go PERFECT, but youll save your self some time
well, i have different xp when flowering in my country.Also where i live the autumn is reall soggy and whit wort weather, like being in england hehehe.
well good luck my friend... not sure when it starts flowering in your area... but its starting in mine like a week ago... i have some nice buds on the 8 miles high forming right now...

i had to reformat my drive so i lost all my links... But i had a web site that you put your zip code and it tells you the suns schedule... when it comes up and when it comes down.... this way you could have known before hand... i cant imagine that you would have had to wait too much longer....

in any case ..good luck my brotha...

OK-is this it???

i used to think about doing the plant covering thing years ago
each season came around, but i could never get the energy to do it
the 5 mile hike to my plants might have had something to do with that decision
but i understand your choice with your weather, though i've seen you getting a real summer this year
good luck in your flowering either way

i used to think about doing the plant covering thing years ago
each season came around, but i could never get the energy to do it
the 5 mile hike to my plants might have had something to do with that decision
but i understand your choice with your weather, though i've seen you getting a real summer this year
good luck in your flowering either way

Thanks 4 good thought man.My hike is a little bit shorter so no probs with that, just 15 min. of walking.
Thanks 4 good thought man.My hike is a little bit shorter so no probs with that, just 15 min. of walking.

i see... roll one up and start walking... by the time your numb you almost there... must be exciting walking around there wiht your handgun huntin pig as you go to your secret garden...

my life is boring.. just a couple of hits off the bubbler...walk through the house to the backyard and bam!


happy trails in deed my friend... :joint::peace:

P.S. Just got back from the store .... lol.... lollllooaded

i see... roll one up and start walking... by the time your numb you almost there... must be exciting walking around there wiht your handgun huntin pig as you go to your secret garden...

my life is boring.. just a couple of hits off the bubbler...walk through the house to the backyard and bam!


happy trails in deed my friend... :joint::peace:

P.S. Just got back from the store .... lol.... lollllooaded


Maaan-thats garden will get you the "Best backyard of the year" award:hump:
So, some pics at ya before covering the plant with that crazy ass tent...Idont like to cover i with that shit, cas my plant looks so cramped in together and it so so tight in there.


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They look beautiful man. Very vibrant, healthy looking green color. If slugs are the only problem you have then your work is going to pay off well.

Great job!
damn that grew fast! nice bending i'm doing the same with mine. but not all responded well

Yep-Outdoors can be very rewarding:hump:.
They key factor is not to overs tress them in one session of supercropping, fimming or something else, then will they respond well, but yes, it all comes down to genetics as well.
They look beautiful man. Very vibrant, healthy looking green color. If slugs are the only problem you have then your work is going to pay off well.

Great job!

Thanks 4 stopping by man.
I hope that it will too pay off, cas the flowering times is really, really shitty-so we shall see.
Your always welcomed back Angus.

Stay tuned...