Grow tent, 3x3 ventilation temperature issue

I know you arent asking me, but in the winter my nite temps are 65, summer 75. Never had a problem either way
Doesn't that light have a bloom switch too? I'd personally keep both on even during your stage. Just me though
Checking my temps with the light off now, but thats achieved throughout the entire grow? 74 with lights off throughout the whole grow?
Yup, I don't let it get lower than 70 though. I run lights on at night. 9pm-8:30am. Helps keep temps in check here in California and also the ladwp bill. Fuckin bastards
Home depot. Its just a fluorescent fixture. Any will do, doesnt need to be for growing
Is there a cheaper one than this, overkill or perfect? And just place this on the bar and over the plants for the first two weeks and switch on regular LEDs and keep temps at 80-83?
Yup, I don't let it get lower than 70 though. I run lights on at night. 9pm-8:30am. Helps keep temps in check here in California and also the ladwp bill. Fuckin bastards
I was thinking of getting a tiny space heater for winter to keep it above a specific temperature. You say the best temp at minimum with lights off would be 70 degrees?
Is there a cheaper one than this, overkill or perfect? And just place this on the bar and over the plants for the first two weeks and switch on regular LEDs and keep temps at 80-83?
You probably dont even need anything that big. I used to use a 2 bulb desk lamp to cover a dozen seedlings
Yeah i wouldn't let it drop past 70. I'd also heat your room not the tent. Let the intake suck in the warmer air
I was trying to explain it to you but my boton
My temps are sitting at 78 with the lights off so far.
where are your thermo/rh meters at? I keep one at canopy level and one at the pots level. Both off to the side away from direct light. That way you can average both temp/rh with both readings