Grow Tent 4x8 table style grow


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Ok so here we go again with a new journel to get the new year going off good. I have already done a small basic flood table 3x3 in a homemade tent with sweet purple and BB.I showed what you can do in a journel showing a Miracle grow moisture control soil grow.Now I have a few new toys to play and show how they work out.I will have a few grow journels but this one will be based on 2 4x8 grow tents I just picked up. I got a great deal from a secret source $150 shipped each so $300 for 2 tents. I will be using a 4x8 flood table in each.I will have 2 600 watt digital lights in each unit.I grabbed some other goodies at great prices so i will just do a quick list of items and cost and then post the next post with follow up..

Two 4x8 grow tents total $300 shipped
Two 4x8 flood table I have these on hand bought for $135 each new so $270
Four 250 cfm fans 2 in each tent for in/outtake brand new total $50 shipped
2 100 gal res 1 in each tent total for both $55 new
4 600 watt digital lights new shipped $245 2 in each tent
4 small clip on fans to move air in each tent 2 in each total was $30
2 co2 20lb tanks I had these but bough them for $25 each used so $50 total
1/2 inch co2 hose for each total cost $15
2 new 4"x12" carbon scrubbers 1 in each tent cost new shipped $35 for both
1 550 cfm hydrofarm fan with 6"x24" carbon filter is new
2 air pumps for res with air stones new total for both $30 with stones
2 cycle timers for pumps $25
2 timers for co2 tanks $25
2 timers for lights $25
pvc and stand parts total $70 for both tents
80 6" square pots $50
50 lbs hydroton $35
80 4x4 rockwool cubes $85
2 co2 solenoid tank controllers I had both paid $35 each new so $70

So total without the nutes is right at $1470 not bad at all full grow tents,table,co2 setups,carbon scrubbers,filters,pumps,pots,everything.

Now on the nutes I will have 2 types to use.I will use Fox Farm nutes in 1 setup using grow Big, Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom.I will use Fox Farms Beatsie Bloomz and grotek super h202 in these unit total for the nutes here is $120..The second tent will get a new set of nutes as my local dro store loves me so much they gave me a whole new round of Dutchmasters Connisouer nutes including thier Grow A&B ,Bloom A&B,silica,light penetrator,potash and then a free toss in round of Humboldt Counties Gravity,purple max and bushmaster.I just have to report how they worked out so nice deal there. I will also add grotek super H202 to the res along with both setups getting Botinicares Sweet citrus in one and berry in the other. I will stager these 2 so about 2-3 weeks between finish. The first will have my Bubblegum original mother creation and then the second will be a medley of things like Sweet purple,BB and TGA/Subcools The Flav.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Ok now a few pics of some of the stuff and I will post more as I get it all total finished and growing.Heres what the tent looks like as it comes and in different stages of setup..



Mr I Can Do That For Half
I will post bag with more as I update the setup. Here is a picture of what the co2 tank setup will look like with thier solenoid controllers attached.Tanks will be 20 lb tanks used and hoses will be above the lights on the cieling grid dropping co2 floods on the plants and the table



Well-Known Member
Sweet Tent & all around Set-up is Nice!!!Can't wait to see it Full of Bud, EH!!!

By The Way, We are on Month 5, Your kind of a late Starter, but I'm sure you will finish with a Bang!!~~!!~~!!HEHEHEHE:hump::hump::hump:

Good Luck!!!:joint::joint::joint::joint:


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Hatch I dont follow you on the month 5 thing? I already harveted 4 crops this year 3 going now and then these 2 and then probablly another dozen or so crops to go for the year?? Not sure how thats late maybe if I was outdoor growing or doing a single indoor grow but thats not me lol..Unless you mean to start the new year off comment thats just because I consider the year in 2 parts the start and the finish lol


Mr I Can Do That For Half
no didnt bother me just wasnt following at first then I was thinking ahh must have meant the new year thing lol no problems at all.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Well some one had recently asked what happened with this thread. Basically i had gotten busy and never followed up on it but I have used it few times and figured Id do a little bit of show and tell. heres some info on it and pictures. This particular round was 20 smaller indicas under the 2 600 watt lights full on co2 injections using fox farm nutes, silicia,humboldt county gravity and bushmaster with beastie bloomz for some weight. These pcis show the plants at right at 3 weeks into flower. temps in the tent I have to really try to get above 78 but with a little trying i can hit the 80 degree mark if I turn off one of the kool tube fans. CO2 falls from hoses on the cieling onto the plants and 2 clip on fans circulate it over the plants and move the air.I didnt want to pay $180 for a 100 gallon res so i went to local hardware store bought rubbermaid watering trough 80 gallon for $56. Its ultyar heavy duty and has a drain and alot cheaper. Anyways i will add to this week by week to fill it in but heres a ton of week 3 flower ppm right around 1450 and ph kept at 5.5-5.8 max.



Active Member
thanks for the update I definatly got this grow on my favourites. one question how is the tent being ventilated? do you have a out fan and in fan that i cant see or do u leave the tent unzipped?


Mr I Can Do That For Half
On this tent since I am using co2 I have a simple 6 inch fan down low outside with a damper on it. It exchanges the air once every 6 hours right before a new co2 fill. Its on a timer so about 10 minutes before a new co2 fill comes on it kicks on and the damper flips open and it sucks the air out then turns off the damper falls closes and fresh co2 fills the tent. I dont bring new air in per say as the new air is fresh co2 from my tanks. I have other tents and sometimes add an intake fan to the mix but so far dont see it makes much difference. The important thing is that the damper auto closes to hold the fresh co2 in and that the fans inside move the air constantly. I will be adding mini dehumidifiers to the mix though as I worry on the humidity as with the co2 the humidy can jump to almost 100% at high time..I will try to get some pictures with te hps lights off so the buds and crystals show up better. That orange glow kinda hides alot of sexiness

humble learner

Well-Known Member
looks great, where'd you get your tent? I wanna get two tents just like yours and make them 1 large tent instead of two seperate side by side tents, you think its possible?


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I have a hydro onlinestore and sell these tents. I dont know why you would want to double them but you cant unless you mod it some how. I can get bigger sizes if that what your after just pm with what your looking for


Mr I Can Do That For Half
ok I said Id put some shots up without the hps lights on so you can see the sexy girls better so here they are..

