grow tent hotspots and thermometer

having some kind of hygrometer in the tent is always a good idea. I have a data logger hygrometer which is pretty good. If you are looking for hot spots and leaf temp, you should get the laser thermometer. It's on my to get list.
I was reading that laser gun reads the temperature of the surface that is different from the temperature of the air that we need to measure.will the laser gun be useful or should i buy an infrated thermometer without laser ?
If you have good air movement, you shouldn't have hot pockets of air. Those 'laser thermometers' are actually infrared thermometers with a laser for aiming. Like I said, that will be good to tell you leaf surface temp, and the temp of any other surface. As for the air, a hygrometer in the tent should give you a good idea, place it at the canopy level. Get one with Indoor / Outdoor temp, and you can place the sensor at another region to gauge other areas temps.
Three Misconceptions About Infrared Thermometers