GROW tent question, please help!


I do know how to grow weed, but I'm just asking would it be big enough for an average plant, i'm going a medium sized strain.


Well-Known Member
read a book simple as dont see people on here with dank ass nugs that didnt educate themselves. people will give you tons of info, about 75% is wrong or could be improved.

go out spend 30$ on a book, learn the terms, lifecycle, nutrient requirements, everything. watch videos on setting up a growroom and take your simple questions elsewhere.

never try to cut corners, youll end up with a headache. plus one plant can rly smell up a apartment, i had one in alaska and as soon as you opened my door u were hit with pine/lemon dank and there was no way to cover it up. it was out of nasty weed too so think about what a dank seed can do.
please read my sig.