Grow Tent selection help

Hi everyone,

New to the site, but not to indoor growing. I've been thinking of buying a grow tent for my plants and have found two that are the right size for me on ebay. I'm just wondering if anyone can differentiate between the two and tell me which is the better buy. Thanks for any tips.

First one:

Second one:

So which should I choose and why?


Staff member
if money is no option I would go with the second one for a few reasons . they seem more knowledgable in the way they descript the product. it has moveable supports that the other does not. dunno they word their product better than the first. seems like if you do have issues that they would be compliant to help . they also say that the product is the one from the photo and not from a Chinese knock off site
if money is no option I would go with the second one for a few reasons . they seem more knowledgable in the way they descript the product. it has moveable supports that the other does not. dunno they word their product better than the first. seems like if you do have issues that they would be compliant to help . they also say that the product is the one from the photo and not from a Chinese knock off site
Thank you! That's kind of what I was thinking as well. The second one seems to have sold more and probably has a better warranty. It also looks a bit more reflective, which was my main concern.

I wish there were shorter tents available though. I use T5 lights and will have to really work around the tall ceiling issue. I think heat/humidity would be easier to adjust in shorter setups as well. Darn.


Staff member
Thank you! That's kind of what I was thinking as well. The second one seems to have sold more and probably has a better warranty. It also looks a bit more reflective, which was my main concern.

I wish there were shorter tents available though. I use T5 lights and will have to really work around the tall ceiling issue. I think heat/humidity would be easier to adjust in shorter setups as well. Darn.
well that's the thing about tents or something premade youll have to adjust it to exactly what you want. but the second one for sure.


Staff member
You think I could adjust the poles themselves? Maybe cut them?
it says it has adjustable poles and moveable supports so I would think you wouldn't need to cut them, but you probably could , probably jigsaw it LOL
it says it has adjustable poles and moveable supports so I would think you wouldn't need to cut them, but you probably could , probably jigsaw it LOL
I'm just thinking that with as tall as it is, the box won't get nearly as warm as I'd like. I grow tropical plants that like warm temperatures, and I don't think the T5s could give off enough heat to warm such a large area. Maybe I'm wrong though :-?


Staff member
anything can get warm , might take a day or so first, why not try "heating" it up before putting in plants or starting the grow.


Well-Known Member
id go with a secret jardin tent they are pretty high quality. havent been disappointed with mine at all.
I think I've got it down to these two:


The second one is fancier and not as expensive. The only difference I see is that that one does not have a "viewing window", whereas the other one does.

It'll only be able to fit one of my fixtures, but hey, if I have to have one box per light fixture I'm fine with that :-o

(Sorry, I'm probably annoying you all :-P)


Well-Known Member
pay attention to the corners, plastic ones are not as tough as metal ones
instead of cutting the poles, why not raise your plants on a table for example

good luck
pay attention to the corners, plastic ones are not as tough as metal ones
instead of cutting the poles, why not raise your plants on a table for example

good luck
Thank you, I'll be sure to look out for that.

I would love to buy a Secret Jardin or Gorilla, but it doesn't seem like they come in the size I'm looking for, unfortunately. They're all too big for my room.
I think what I'll do is go with the Lighthouse one, then build a PVC frame inside of that to support the light, that way it's not dragging on the tent.
Alright so I went ahead and bought the Lighthouse one. Has anyone ever had any issues with high humidity affecting their lights? My trees like humidity on the higher side, but I'm afraid of that causing something bad to happen to my lights.