Grow tent set up noob advice welcome

Okay so after about a two months of researching and browsing forums I think I finally have my final set up nailed down, here we go, I think this is pretty good…..

4x2x6 foot mylar lined grow tent
2 five gallon drip system buckets w/ 6" net baskets and 6" drip ring, water is pumped with a 70 gph pump on a 15 min increment analogue timer
2.5" x 3" (dxh) air stones connected to an air pump
300w (100 x 3w) 6-band/ir/uv LED
240w (80 x 3w) blue/white LED
150w (50 x 3w) red LED
60w (20 x 3w) blue/white/uv LED
(all LED's connected to a 15 minute increment analogue timer)
adjustable pulley hooks for the lights
25L capacity water chiller fed by a 70gph linked between the 2 buckets
12" intake air desk top fan
4" duct fan (200 cfm, 183 watt) w/controller + carbon filter
2 ona pucks to keep in the tent
0.0-14.0 pH/0.0*C-50.0*C temp. meter w/ easy 3 point dip and click calibration
pH calibration solutions (4.01 7.00 10.01)
0-9999 ppm TDS/0.0-50.0*C temp meter
TDS calibration solution (1000 ppm)
Digital Thermometer/Hygrometer
IR thermometer for spot readings of *c/*f
2 analoge 15 minute increment double outlet timers (for lights and dripper)
AN Grow/Bloom/Micro nutrients
Aqua shield root protecting/promoting solution
Germination pH balanced nutrients/hormones
30 ml nutrient syringe
pH up/pH down/drip test pH testing solution
7 outlet surge protected power bar

This will all be set up in my bedroom which is about 350 sqft and has a 3x3 foot window in it north facing. The average room temp. is 28*C and the RH% is 50 on average. The tent will on the side wall of the room with the exhaust facing out towards the window (no duct) and other than my bed and night stand there will be nothing out in my bedroom. The only things that will be in the tent will be the buckets, lights and fans. Everything else (air pumps, etc) will be outside of the tent and have their lines run in thru port holes.

How does this set up look? I've read a lot of articles and forum postings and this seems like it will make for a nice set up for growing 2 auto flowers. Any advice is much appreciated!
Okay so after about a two months of researching and browsing forums I think I finally have my final set up nailed down, here we go, I think this is pretty good…..

4x2x6 foot mylar lined grow tent
2 five gallon drip system buckets w/ 6" net baskets and 6" drip ring, water is pumped with a 70 gph pump on a 15 min increment analogue timer
2.5" x 3" (dxh) air stones connected to an air pump
300w (100 x 3w) 6-band/ir/uv LED
240w (80 x 3w) blue/white LED
150w (50 x 3w) red LED
60w (20 x 3w) blue/white/uv LED
(all LED's connected to a 15 minute increment analogue timer)
adjustable pulley hooks for the lights
25L capacity water chiller fed by a 70gph linked between the 2 buckets
12" intake air desk top fan
4" duct fan (200 cfm, 183 watt) w/controller + carbon filter
2 ona pucks to keep in the tent
0.0-14.0 pH/0.0*C-50.0*C temp. meter w/ easy 3 point dip and click calibration
pH calibration solutions (4.01 7.00 10.01)
0-9999 ppm TDS/0.0-50.0*C temp meter
TDS calibration solution (1000 ppm)
Digital Thermometer/Hygrometer
IR thermometer for spot readings of *c/*f
2 analoge 15 minute increment double outlet timers (for lights and dripper)
AN Grow/Bloom/Micro nutrients
Aqua shield root protecting/promoting solution
Germination pH balanced nutrients/hormones
30 ml nutrient syringe
pH up/pH down/drip test pH testing solution
7 outlet surge protected power bar

This will all be set up in my bedroom which is about 350 sqft and has a 3x3 foot window in it north facing. The average room temp. is 28*C and the RH% is 50 on average. The tent will on the side wall of the room with the exhaust facing out towards the window (no duct) and other than my bed and night stand there will be nothing out in my bedroom. The only things that will be in the tent will be the buckets, lights and fans. Everything else (air pumps, etc) will be outside of the tent and have their lines run in thru port holes.

How does this set up look? I've read a lot of articles and forum postings and this seems like it will make for a nice set up for growing 2 auto flowers. Any advice is much appreciated!
Looks good to me. Putting your own setup together is the key, instead of replicating some youtube setup. As you will learn most from your own trial and error.

Happy growing :weed:
Looks good to me. Putting your own setup together is the key, instead of replicating some youtube setup. As you will learn most from your own trial and error.

Happy growing :weed:

Yea I didn't look at anyone else's set up. Instead I just read grow guides and learned all the conditions cannabis needed for growing and made a list of all the equipment that would provide my plants with optimal/needed conditions. Figured what set up works for one person might not suit my needs. Plus I've taken a few years of engineering so building/designing my own set up and buying each part separately and using them in unison is right up my alley. I've also taken a few years of organic chemistry so all the nutrient use/pH/TDS/chemical use will come easy to me.

Is there anything else worth buying, I could spring for maybe something cheap after I get all this and I love having all the bells and whistles for my hobbies. I was wondering if another air pump running an air stone to each bucket to increase DO2 would be beneficial or maybe there is something else? I'd rather not play with any other nutrients/chemicals because this is my first time growing and I feel that I'll be able to get the set up and growing conditions down well, but the nutrients/pH level/TDS is going to be the learning curve. So I don't want to add to mucking with that.