Grow Tent Temperature seems high .. Help!

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
i have never had a high temp problem...but i dont see the reason to worry to much, i mean stagnant air is one thing that definitely needs to be addressed, but 90 isnt anything to worry about, as long as you can get some fresh air in there...think about outdoor growers, and mid summer temps...well above 90 most days, and theres turn out just fine.
90 is something to worry about.


Well-Known Member
Hey MrDblock,

By ambient temperature I meant the temperature in the house normally. For example, my house stays at 70 degrees everywhere. Except in the cabinet that I grow in, it gets 75-79.

The reason I ask is because if your ambient temperature is in the high 80s, these suggestions of venting it out isn't really going to help. You'll be venting hot air back into hot air, and then taking in hot air. If that makes sense
Yes everything your saying makes sense...... And you are righ the MOST important questions are ONE what is the ambient temps in your home.....Like you said if your house is 80 then your grow room will ALWAYS be higher then 80 unless you entroduce an outside sourse of cool air like an A/C there for exhausting hot air wont nessesarly fix the heat issue but what it will do is keep fresh amounts of CO2 coming into the room...... The second most important question is where is your OUTLET of exhausted air going to go to?? If it goes right back into the room your tent is in then you are just recirculating hot air further heating it up everytime you run it through your tent and back out like a snow ball effect....... So what is your ambient temps in the house and can you cut a hole in the celling to exhaust hot air up and out the room your tent is in?? If you cant cut a hole in anything are you near a window?? the main thing is GET that AIR OUTSIDE or in an attic any place but back into the room.....


Well-Known Member
i have never had a high temp problem...but i dont see the reason to worry to much, i mean stagnant air is one thing that definitely needs to be addressed, but 90 isnt anything to worry about, as long as you can get some fresh air in there...think about outdoor growers, and mid summer temps...well above 90 most days, and theres turn out just fine.

Actually 90 is something to worry about and "theres" dont allows turn out just fine...


How big would the whole into the ceiling have to be? The window is across the room from the closet, and the closet is closed. Also, the ambient temp. is 75 degrees but I can lower it by turning the ac down, correct ?

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
How big would the whole into the ceiling have to be? The window is across the room from the closet, and the closet is closed. Also, the ambient temp. is 75 degrees but I can lower it by turning the ac down, correct ?
If you turn the AC to 72 and run a 4" exhaust fan, you'll be in real good shape. You want your temp inside the tent to hang around 75-78 if possible. Even with out heat issues, you want an exhaust fan.


Ok but is there any alternatives to an exhaust fan in the meantime? I am doing research and they arent that cheap


Well-Known Member
if you dont have the funds to buy a basic 4" fan around 100 bucks then you should have waited tell you had the money saved before you bought your clones/seeds.... This stuff is basic grow room gear you need this is somthing you should have squared away before anything else....... the hole in your celling should be whatever size the ducting you are using....If you are using 4" ducting then you should cut a 4" hole

also you have to understand that plants breath up CO2 so when you leave then in the closet and theres no exchange of fresh CO2 you are Sufficating your plants it would be like if we put you in a wooden box and closed the lid you wouldnt like that very much and neather do the plants.....You need to be exhausting old used up co2 air for fresh new air with new supply of CO2 ....this is where the fan comes in one it cools your hood if you have a proper OUTLET and two is passivly brings in new CO2 supply from the air in your home........

So NO you cant get away with out a Fan UNLESS YOU are suplmenting your CO2 with gas or a burner.....


Well-Known Member
if you can put an inline fan at the bottom to bring in CO2 as it's heavyer than air and cool air sinks anyway, and also get a fan to remove air from inside the tent. I don't know what your working with as far as stealth, but if you can keep your tent cracked and place a fan on the out side blowing in and another blowing out that sould help get fresh air in and hot air out. If you need to remain stealth, your best bet is to drop the $ on a vortex type fan to pull the hot air out the top of your tent. I had the same heat prob, but untill I put a vortex fan in there to pull that hotness out, My temps were consistently above 90' for 2 weeks. It might or might not do harm to your plants, but I've gone a whole cycle with temps at 88 or above with no problems other than yellowing fan leaves. the meds were still kick ass. Your girls will tell you when they have had enough, so save up some $ and when or if they tell you "enough" go get a nice sucker for that heat. good luck!!


if you can put an inline fan at the bottom to bring in CO2 as it's heavyer than air and cool air sinks anyway, and also get a fan to remove air from inside the tent. I don't know what your working with as far as stealth, but if you can keep your tent cracked and place a fan on the out side blowing in and another blowing out that sould help get fresh air in and hot air out. If you need to remain stealth, your best bet is to drop the $ on a vortex type fan to pull the hot air out the top of your tent. I had the same heat prob, but untill I put a vortex fan in there to pull that hotness out, My temps were consistently above 90' for 2 weeks. It might or might not do harm to your plants, but I've gone a whole cycle with temps at 88 or above with no problems other than yellowing fan leaves. the meds were still kick ass. Your girls will tell you when they have had enough, so save up some $ and when or if they tell you "enough" go get a nice sucker for that heat. good luck!!
I really appreciate the advice! Do you have a tent also?

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
thats just a booster fan not in inline exhaust fan......yes its better then no fan for for another 30 bucks he can get the real deal
It's a tiny tent being lit by an LED. Sure, there are better fans, but if he's worried about spending money, it'll do.


Well-Known Member
where can i find an official exhaust fan for another 30 bucks?
I see cheap fans on ebay all the time i see them new i see them used i see them on craigs all the time too .....If you hang out at your local hydro store prolly talk to someone that would sale you one ....... put some effort into it , I spent 6 months saving and researching what i wanted to buy and what i didnt want to buy...... for 80 bucks i KNOW you can find a 4" fan someplace or another.... yes the booster fan is better then no fan but we arent talking that much money here, really makes sense to get the better fan now and be able to expand a little later verse getting the bare minimum now and that might not even do the trick if its hot outside...... so im just givin something to think about before you make your choice...Eather way withou cutting the hole in the celling or redircting it out the window the fan wont make much a difference....


Well-Known Member
if you can put an inline fan at the bottom to bring in CO2 as it's heavyer than air and cool air sinks anyway, and also get a fan to remove air from inside the tent. I don't know what your working with as far as stealth, but if you can keep your tent cracked and place a fan on the out side blowing in and another blowing out that sould help get fresh air in and hot air out. If you need to remain stealth, your best bet is to drop the $ on a vortex type fan to pull the hot air out the top of your tent. I had the same heat prob, but untill I put a vortex fan in there to pull that hotness out, My temps were consistently above 90' for 2 weeks. It might or might not do harm to your plants, but I've gone a whole cycle with temps at 88 or above with no problems other than yellowing fan leaves. the meds were still kick ass. Your girls will tell you when they have had enough, so save up some $ and when or if they tell you "enough" go get a nice sucker for that heat. good luck!!
and you dont need an intake fan at the bottom if you get a proper exhaust fan at the top, a 4" will create plenty of passive intake for a small grow......

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
I dunno guys. Things like C02 tanks and AC units seem like an overkill for a 2x2 tent don't you think?

After reading this thread I'm starting to understand what people are thinking when they put 20" rims and custom paint on a 15 year old ford fiesta.


Well-Known Member
I dunno guys. Things like C02 tanks and AC units seem like an overkill for a 2x2 tent don't you think?

After reading this thread I'm starting to understand what people are thinking when they put 20" rims and custom paint on a 15 year old ford fiesta.
yes he dosent need Co2 or A/c plus he cant afford a fan how would he get a Co2 system and reg and tank and censor etc etc etc..... No he just needs a basic inline fan and a outlet to outside or attic.....

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
My arguement for just getting the cheap booster fan.

CFM calculator:

Results for a room 5x2x2:

CFM's needed to exchange air completely.

Every 5 minutes: 4 CFM

Every 1 minute (optimal): 20 CFM
That booster fan is rated at 188 CFMs. I own said fan, while I question the 188 CFM rating (I suspect it's closer to 80-100 CFM's since a 4" vortex is way more powerful), I have no doubt that it's way more than enough to exchange the air in that room every minute or two. I'd argue that a 4" vortex or can fan is WAAAY overkill. 4" vortex is what I use to in my 4x4x7 Mom tent and it's plenty powerful enough for that.

All he really needs is a simple fan to exchange the air. No reason to buy some thing unnecessarily fancy. All he'll get is a diminishing return. It's throwing money down the toilet.