Grow Tent


Active Member
Thanks bro. Ill look into those. I think this week I am gonna take another foot or so off of the tent. I dont need it to be so tall considering I am going to be doing a CFL grow and wont be having tall plants.

The tall room just makes it harder for my fans to vacate the room.
Thanks bro. Ill look into those. I think this week I am gonna take another foot or so off of the tent. I dont need it to be so tall considering I am going to be doing a CFL grow and wont be having tall plants.

The tall room just makes it harder for my fans to vacate the room.

Well, actually, a taller room means more head room for the heat.. Meaning the heat will rise upwards.


Active Member
yes you are right, but the smaller the room the easier it will be for my fans to vacate the hot air. and the easier it will be to conceal it


Active Member
so you think it will get hotter in there. even though there will be less cf and the fans will be able to empty the room quicker. maybe if i had my intake air alot cooler it would be easier. i guess i should just do an experiment.

ill start recording daily temps with the current cf

and ill shorten it for the next grow and do the same.

now this will only work if i can keep the ambient temp of my outter room the same threwout the year, which when i think about it. i prolly wont be able to do.


Calyx LED
Take strips of cardboard at about every 6" or so along the seam where you want the velcro. Then staple the velcro - sandwiching the plastic - into the cardboard piece on the other side. Works perfect!


Active Member
Take strips of cardboard at about every 6" or so along the seam where you want the velcro. Then staple the velcro - sandwiching the plastic - into the cardboard piece on the other side. Works perfect!

I tried that before. didnt pan out to well for me. Today I purchased a 36inch zipper from walmart for like 4 bucks.

I zipped it up and taped it onto the door. once it was all taped up I opened the zipper and made a slice threw the plastic.

I then taped the back side of the zipper on to the plastic.

I used gorilla tape instead of duct tape.

to me gorilla tape is 100 times better than duct tape could ever dream of being.


Very nice I would like to see the damn thing when it's all done . I like that idea I was thinking of just buying a small lil set up from the store but now I just might do the same Good Luck and plz post up the new pics....


Active Member
Very nice I would like to see the damn thing when it's all done . I like that idea I was thinking of just buying a small lil set up from the store but now I just might do the same Good Luck and plz post up the new pics....

Right on bro, thanks for the intrest. I was gonna buy a tent offline somewhere. did research and they were all like over a hundred bucks for just the tent.

I easily made this one out of cpvc and plastic. when all was said and done I think i spent 60 bucks. of course not including accesories like fans, lights, power strips, blah blah blah.

Ill put some pics up in a bit man.

i was at walmart yesterday and I noticed they have these mobile closet units for hanging clothes in. They look like they would work well and they were cheap like 20 - 30 bucks.

nogt sure how strong they would be though.


Active Member
ok here are some updated pics

As usual I wasnt happy with the setup so i made some adjustments.

I added in a table/shelf system. this is 12 dollar collapseable shelf system from walmart. It has four levels made of solid white cheap ass plastic.

I took the top section and fitted 3 power strips all connected to a threw way plug to allow for easy on/off with the timer.

I am going to use socket fixtures and y splitters when needed.

this system will allow me customize where the lights are placed. I will take the other two remaining shelfs and cut out most of the shelf body, leaving pretty much just the frame of the shelf. this will allow me to raise the lights and not have to worry about light blockage from the shelf. this is all to come though once plants get big enough. ok for the pics

this pic is of the shelf system all wired up

as you can tell i am a big fan of zip ties. man do i love me some zip ties.

the last two pics are of the light system

here is the shelf and new light system in action

this pic shows the new zipper installed and holding the flaps open

this is the tent all zipped up with the new zipper

this one shows the zipper opened just a hair.

i also added one of those car sun reflector things. i think it was 8 bucks at walmart. works great. i was able to cut it very easily so i could place it where i needed it to go


Active Member
wow that looks like a lot of work. my time is so valuable as I have such little free time that i had to purchase a tent. the secret jardins are bad ass..


Active Member
all in all I think i prolly spent a solid two hours putting it together. i like to tinker with stuff it keeps me occupied. i dont have much free time, i work a ton, but i dont watch any television so that allows me to have a few free hours a night/day to play macgiver


Active Member
Not sure what u consider a ton. How long did u spend making trips for supplies. I don't have more than 2.5 hours s day after work before sleep.
all in all I think i prolly spent a solid two hours putting it together. i like to tinker with stuff it keeps me occupied. i dont have much free time, i work a ton, but i dont watch any television so that allows me to have a few free hours a night/day to play macgiver


Active Member
Not sure what u consider a ton. How long did u spend making trips for supplies. I don't have more than 2.5 hours s day after work before sleep.

I only made one trip for supplies. I had everything else already on hand. I work about 60 hours a week right now. I know thats not alot compared to some but it is for me.

The trip to lowes took me about 45 min from house to store back to house.

Just like every other DIY, if you have the time, money, skills/tools why not do it. for some its just easier to purchase.

to me its kinda like a hobby. each time I build something else I learn a little more and more.


Active Member
i was at walmart yesterday and I noticed they have these mobile closet units for hanging clothes in. They look like they would work well and they were cheap like 20 - 30 bucks.

nogt sure how strong they would be though.
Not strong at all. I have one of these to hang suits and out of season clothes and the damn thing falls over all the time. You're much better off doing it your way. Very nice job by the way.

I'm happy I stumbled on this thread. I was just about to drop 350 bucks on a hydrohut but now I just might DIY it. Granted the hydrohuts are well put together with a steel frame and all that but shit, 350 is 350.

Good luck man.


Well-Known Member
you need to make a cfl hood type device, that you can raise and lower, instead of having surge strips, you need 2 unwired sockets, 6 Y sockets per 1 unwired socket, some wire with a plug on the end of it, and something to mount the light sockets onto. you use the Y connectors to turn 1 light socket into four.

basically instead of having mad wires and surge strips everywhere, you end up using one socket for your light system


Active Member
you need to make a cfl hood type device, that you can raise and lower, instead of having surge strips, you need 2 unwired sockets, 6 Y sockets per 1 unwired socket, some wire with a plug on the end of it, and something to mount the light sockets onto. you use the Y connectors to turn 1 light socket into four.

basically instead of having mad wires and surge strips everywhere, you end up using one socket for your light system
I have one. I like this setup better. 6 y-splitters for one socket if you ask me is to much pull for just one socket Its also way to much heat and light for the stage of growing that I am in right now.

The good thing about this tent that I made it gives me the freedom to be able to adjust the lights anyway that I want.

If and when I need a super light system I will add in HID lighting. When using a million cfl the heat adds up rather quickly. If you are gonna have more than a dozen cfls with a actual wattage of 25+ you might as well make the move to a low watttage HID light system, one cord, no splitters, no constant changing of bulb location.

I have a cfl light system that can hold over 600 watts of actual cfl wattage per cleat socket, and there is 8 cleats on the system. i believe can hold 32 bulbs. I have opted away from that system and will be using a 400w hps.