Grow Tents Are A Necessity For Indoor Cultivation?How To Set?

I have to use tents because there's no good way to put a sealed door on my grow room. I've been looking for a house that's more grow-friendly for the past couple of years, but pickings are slim when you have a lot of boxes that you need to check off.
Tents are for growers like me, who's wife won't let him convert the entire spare room into a grow space :lol:

A tent is a convenient & low cost way to have a growing area that can be easily mobile and/or without having to do any construction, DIY or not.

I own a house (outright, no mortgage, etc.), it made way more sense to find a tent that fit the space I had in the room I wanted it. I don't really give a fuck about any kind of dick-measuring about a build-out, etc. I don't need a large dedicated room, and 4 plants at a time is more than enough for what we want/need. We have a couple guest rooms, but I won't blame not using them for growing on my wife. Neither of us want to lose those rooms to growing.

Not everyone's goals are the same when it comes to growing. Given the low-waste footprint we already have, I shrug about the 'landfill' issue...I can sell or give away the tent if I move on from my current needs.
Pics of 6 g containers in a 1.5 foot tent?
I can fit 4 at an absolute max in a 2x2. I have pics. No way an ideal set up either.
1.5 meters x 1.5 meters , have 4 all together only 1 going at the moment - we are of the new modern variety we use metric down here not that imperial crap ;)
1.5 meters x 1.5 meters , have 4 all together only 1 going at the moment - we are of the new modern variety we use metric down here not that imperial crap ;)
Yeah. Ina 5x5 would be much different.

Yeah I kinda figured you were one of the weirdos that say 4267mm rather than just saying 14feet lmao.
Like iv always said. It may be more accurate. But it’s not more practical.
To "weed" a garden = verb
Cannabis is a C3 flower = noun

But in this instance, the term "weed" was used as an adjective because it's being used to describe any plant that be seen as a nuisance or undesirable.

This argument is dumb - also an adjective.
Your right in my brain. But I wonder why the internet won’t allow it to be an adjective. Weed describes the unwanted value of a plant. Meaning adjective. But the dictionary says it can only be used as a verb or noun. This is confusing lol.
FYI. Not arguing with you at all. Stupid text makes conversation complicated
Your right in my brain. But I wonder why the internet won’t allow it to be an adjective. Weed describes the unwanted value of a plant. Meaning adjective. But the dictionary says it can only be used as a verb or noun. This is confusing lol.
FYI. Not arguing with you at all. Stupid text makes conversation complicated
Not really arguing either. Just shooting the shit, but I think we can all agree Merriam (along with a host of others) needs to catch up and ditch the reefer madness language.