grow tents using carbon filters?


f@#k me! I got my carbon filter today that i ordered and damn this shit is big and heavy. now how the hell am I supposed to put this in a homebox XL? the filter is 20" in height and 16" wide. :-? I dont see this working in the with a cooltube in the summer. any help will be appreciated.

thanks stickyiky
What kind of carbon filter is it?

Cause the one I have has a covered end. which would allow me to connect a fan, they recommend the vortex one, on top and connecting your vent tubing to cool tube and then exiting out to your desired spot ( ceiling, another room, outside)

My journal:

has a small pic of my filter, but it includes the brand name so you can google it to see what I have.

I dont have it up yet, but basically Its just going to be on the ground with fan on top and exhaust venting to light. Hopefully I shouldnt have problems.
wow, you do mean 20" WIDE? as in diameter? That's a big damn filter. I have a homebox XL, so I understand why he's worried. With a canfan, reflector and light, hoses and filter(mine is about 10lbs). With a filter as big as you say, how much does it weigh? I'd guess at least 25lbs. You can always use zip ties+stretchy ropes to hang off different support poles, at different heights.

Good luck
wow, you do mean 20" WIDE? as in diameter? That's a big damn filter. I have a homebox XL, so I understand why he's worried. With a canfan, reflector and light, hoses and filter(mine is about 10lbs). With a filter as big as you say, how much does it weigh? I'd guess at least 25lbs. You can always use zip ties+stretchy ropes to hang off different support poles, at different heights.

Good luck

I got a profilter which is 16inches in diameter and 20 inches tall. I know it fits in the tent but damn this shit looks big and it weighs 50lbs . I did alot of research and thats what the specs call for. Ill takes some pics and post them up after I get out of work today.
I was going to offer some advice, but since you were so confrontational to the dude a couple posts ago it makes me wonder why I should? You bought a really big, intrusive filter. Any reason why? There are myriads of carbon filters that would accomadate a tent that size and flow the air you want, but it seems you chose one that is going to get in the way of other things you'll need to run inside the tent. Good luck. :roll:
16 x 20" and it weighs 50lb ??? wtf is it made of lead? usually when you buy a filter it will come with the attachments to tie it up. if not use your imagination buy some rope n git errr done n stop bitchin.
no fucking shit I know I have to hang it up. If u dont have any useful info get the fuck of my thread thank u.

What a fucking douche! I hope you hang that thing and it collapses your tent all over your shit. Learn some fucking manners tool.
see the the guy replied like im stupid. and there alot of people on this forum that are just like him! I guess all you fuckheads are all the same 2. I ask a simple question. fuck all ya ignorant bitches and I hope when your hps turns on your house burns down stupid fucks.
If the Homebox XL is anything like the Sun Hut XL, then the filter you got is laughable.

I'm getting a 6" by 18" filter for my Sun Hut and that will be plenty - did you not do some research before you decided to buy a filter the size of your grow tent?
You can mount it outside your tent with the fan, just hook up some ducting coming out of the tent, (suck the air out of the tent) set the fan and filter on a table or the ground, etc. You should be able to push air out through the filter instead of sucking air into it. It's worth a try.
I dont know if you have room in your tent to do it this way, or if it possible with your filter you have, but this is what I am going to be doing.

The pic shows a cluttered room, with a Huge Carbon Air filter, with a 8' flange can fan that pushes out alot of freakin cfm.
jsteezy u wasnt trying to help, u were just being a jerkoff. I asked a simple question about the carbon filter and how I was surprised how big the shit is and wondering how its gonna fit. maybe if you wouldve started by saying how big is your tent? then I would' ve explained 2 you that Ive been growing in a tent and never had to use a C filter cuz I vented into the attic. Now you dont now either that I just moved into a new house and my basement aint setup yet so my shit is upstairs in the spare room and i got my mother in law looking threw bushes cuz she swears theirs a skunks borrow somewhere around the bushes. I had to rush and order this shit through an Iphone next day air cuz I didnt want to cancel my trip with my family cuz I didnt have this peace of equipement in place. alot of shit going on in my world. stress, close neighboors that I dont need them to know that grow and I just moved in so for u to give me some stupid common sense answer was not at the right time. Im a grown man dude your not talking to some schmuck so please dont tell me to watch my mouth!!! If you want to keep on go right ahead im not gonna waste my my time with this nonsense.
rep for those with positive input.
I got it up and running. and no the tent will not collapse it hold up fine thank u. heres some pics.


thanks stickyiky
OK bro, check this out I never used my filter before. I have the SAME Brand but the small one 70. Well Cant it run with it standing on the ground then fan directly over the filter exhausting out to your tube light?

I was told those filters can have air pushed thru it or sucked in. I mean what is the pros and cons of doing that way besides floor space?