grow tents


I'm looking at purchasing a grow tent. I noticed there's a big price difference in some of them but they are the same size.
My quesion is what makes a good grow tent, and are the expensive tents worth it?
I mean they go from 180$ up to 1000$ for the same size, what's the big deal there?


Well-Known Member
I bought a 3 x 3 x 6.5 for $95. There are some light leaks and no side access panels. It works fine because I have it hidden.
The access panels are nice to have especially if you do not have the tent in a corner.


Active Member
Hefe, check out the agromax tents on ebay. They are very good tents for the $. I have been using a 4x8 for quite some time now and i like it a lot better than any other i have. Very well built and no light leaks. Very very strong too. The fabric is also very good quality.


Thank for the info guys. I am looking for a 4x8 also. i figured the cheaper ones would have light leeks, but do the expensive tents help keep odor in the text also? it sounds like i should go for a medium priced one.
if anyone else wants to post what kind of tent they have and any positives or negatives they have seen while using them
thanks !


Well-Known Member
Thank for the info guys. I am looking for a 4x8 also. i figured the cheaper ones would have light leeks, but do the expensive tents help keep odor in the text also? it sounds like i should go for a medium priced one.
if anyone else wants to post what kind of tent they have and any positives or negatives they have seen while using them
thanks !
Only negative pressure keeps odor in the tent, that goes for cheap and expensive tents alike.


Well-Known Member
i have a 2x4 Indoor Greenhouse tent from the local hydro store.. it has a couple light leaks that i could fix easily if i was flowering in it, but i only use it to veg. works great has a big door in the back, and a small in the front... i put that side against the wall and only use the big side.. its in my kitchen so not very discreet


Active Member
The agromax tent i have has no light leaks what so ever, i had my gf seal me inside with my 1000w mh on outside the tent, no light comming through. It has velcro seals that cover the zippers. What sold me on the tent was this video of a guy hanging from the frame of the tent so i tried it myself and it held me (200lbs). Very strong and will hold as much light, hoods, movers and filters you need. Google the agromax video, it is true that it will hold a full grown man. Plenty of ports and full access all the way around, four doors so you can use it in any room. And it has windows. Good luck with your purchase bro.


Active Member
Fires are usualy caused by improper wiring, faulty switches and improper setup. I run 2000w in two king cobra hoods and two 450cfm fans, one pushing one pulling. Also run ac. My temps are always at 80 degrees. You have to vent or use air cooled hoods in a tent or heat build up and humidity will be an issue. Keep wires tied up, away from water if doing hydro. Mount ballasts outside tent or up high near exhaust to pull out unwanted heat. Common sense plays a big part in growing.


Active Member
600w EasyCool6, Agromax tent (part of the Complete Kit from HTG.)

First experience with a tent but really liking what I see. Sturdy material, simple assembly, and no light leaks. Not too shabby.

Seems like heat and humidity could be an issue if you don't vent properly but my airflow is good and the local temps are nice, so i'm not too worried.

All total I spent $1,005.37. For the advanced gardeners' outthere that might seem like alot when you can throw something similar together yourself for less, but the quality of the product and the ease in which it all came together leaves me with no real regrets.

They did kinda rape me on shipping by sending me X-number of pounds of soil (shipping from CT to CA, when it was manufactured in OR..duh) that I didn't need but all in all i'm very happy with what I got. Just something to remember for future orders I guess.