Grow: The next generation. Early Misty and Master Kush!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info, Mids.

Ok, since Thursday, the clones had been doing great. It actually looked like new growth was sprouting. So, yesterday, day 9 since I took cuttings, I transplanted 2 of the 3 into soil based medium. The 3rd I left in the perlite/vermiculite medium because I accidentally plucked the cutting out of the medium and there were no roots. I quickly stuck it back and it's plugging along. The 2 that I did transplant I put under a shaded part INSIDE the grow-room and the 3rd I left just outside the door. Well, not even 2 hours later when I checked on them, the 2 that were inside the growbox had wilted and was limp. So, I removed them, misted and put them back outside and placed a misted quart-sized ziplock freezer bag over the plant to act as a greenhouse. This morning all 3 clones had perked up and are looking good again.

On a totally different and more worrisome note, it really appears to me that my moms are starting to flower, even though there are under 18 hours of MH light. As far as I know, these are not autoflowering plants, so I am mystified. In fact, the clones look like they are budding too! I am totally confused. When I decided to forego the combination of natural sunlight and HID and went totally HID, the moms looked like they had stopped flowering and were back in veg. So now I'm not sure what I should do. I'm leaning to just putting all 6 plants under my HPS and just hoping I can get some decent buddage but I'm going to give it a couple more days to make sure what I'm seeing is bud and not just new growth.

I'll post pics tomorrow. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.


Active Member
HMN, good happy that the clones and the mother are doing well, i found out that there is a clonning machine that helps clones root in 5 days...its $64 check at a hydroshop near you for it. Best of luck !!!


Well-Known Member
As the title indicates, I now have the 3 moms and 3 clones flowering under my 400w HPS. For whatever reasons, my moms and clones were flowering under 18/6 of 400W MH. I have yet to find an adequate explanation but it has to be one of 3 causes: 1) too much stress (only stress I can think of is the heat but temperature gauge shows 78-82F, not too hot); 2) bad seeds (but I have 2 different strains and what are the odds of bad seeds for 2 strains); and 3) defective MH bulb (appears fine to my human eye but still possible). Nonetheless, I put them all into flower with the hope of getting 4-6 oz dried. Not going to be easy to get that much yield but we'll see. The buds are currenly very small but I will guesstimate I have at least 4 weeks left to flower.

Pics soon.....


Well-Known Member
Watered today with a cocktail of 1g water, 1/4 tsp Superthrive, 5 tsp molasses, 1.5 tsp FF Big Bloom and 6 tsp Tiger Bloom. Buds showing some thickening in the moms.


Well-Known Member
As promised, here are pics from over the last week.

These are the clones from last week. You can see the improvised "green house" I made using tupperware. Seems to have worked just fine. I have since transplanted 2 from these laundry detergent caps into 6" pots with organic soil, perlite and vermiculite. The 3rd clone I transplanted into a makeshift hempy bucket with a medium of perlite and vermiculite.



Well-Known Member
These are the moms and clones under the 400W HPS. I had to do several adjustments to the lighting and color of the pics to be able to view adequately, hence the strange colors. The plants look very yellow in the pics due to the HPS. They aren't as yellow in normal light. You can see my oscillating fan pointed at the top of my light and plants. I have another non-oscillating fan right outside the growbox pointed upward. Despite the 2 fans, it's hot in the box - my temp gauge shows 84-88F and tha's at the soil level. I imagine at the tops of the plants it's more in the 90s. I'm seeing some of the leaves becoming "gnarled" and twisting AWAY from the light. There are even some leaves almost turned upside down, with the top face of the leaves pointing away from the light. I haven't installed my new extractor fan but it looks like I may be forced to.

Any feedback/comments greatly appreciated.



Well-Known Member
No. For some reason, the plants began flowering under 18/6 MH on their own. I decided to cut my losses and try and maximize my harvest and switched to 12/12 HPS. I'll try again to establish moms in another week or so with new seedlings.


Active Member
Well Good luck HearMe I just spent the last 2 days reding both your journals and watching up on grow videos. Me and a friend are thinking of growing and we have learned much from you

Good Luck


Well-Known Member
I explained in the post, which you didn't read apparently. It's the HPS light that casts a yellow hue over the plants.


Well-Known Member
Quick update: Watered all the plants on Monday with solution of 1g water, 5 tsp FF BB, 2 tsp TB, 2 tbs Molasses and 1/4 tsp Superthrive.

Watered the clones this morning again with 1g water, 5 tsp FF BB and 2 tsp TB. Will water the moms tomorrow.

The moms and clones are really budding all over. The buds are starting to thicken up and they look nice and compact, unlike my last grow, which was "airy" or "fluffy" looking. Most of the fan leaves have yellowed and shrivilled up but the growth around the buds is healthy. Pics in the next couple days.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Jude.

Update: Watered the moms today with same solution from yesterday. I think the heat is taking a toll. Lots of dried, burnt leaves. Here are some updated pics of the moms and clones. You can clearly see the LST on the moms. Also tried to get some bud shots but the lighting is effed up. Lots of white pistles but no trichs yet. They are slowly starting to swell up.

Fyi, it's working out great with the clothes pins. Easy to attach and remove.



Well-Known Member
Low Stress Training (LST). Allows more light to reach deeper into the plant. More light to lower part of the plant = more compact mature buds and not wispy waste-of-time buds.

Quick update: watered the ladies Monday (9/3) with cocktail of 1g water, 2 tbs TB, 1 tsp BB, 2 tbs molasses, 1/4 tsp Superthrive. Buds are really starting to swell now. Still seeing lots of yellowing leaves and I'm battling a spider mite infestation. Bastards. No visible trichs as of yet, so I am guessing I have at least 2-3 weeks left.

One observation: One of my plants is distinctly different than the others. It's one of the MKs but the stem is thin and the branches are wispy. The buds are very "airy" and not nice and compact. It also appears to be more susceptical to the spider mites too. I've come close to killing it (for more space) but just can't bring myself too. Whenever I've touched any part of the plant, it really leaves a dank stink on your fingers. Who knows, maybe I will luck out and this plant will turn out to have more sativa pheno.

I'll post more pics later this week.


Well-Known Member
Im interested in what uve set up as a grow room, or box. Although I've been a helper in a few indoor grows and have grown in greenhouses and outdoor for 6 or 7 years I am still in two minds about how to set up a little indoor op. I have a nice 400w HPS (phillips) and a good UV grow lamp. but I am considering self watering, which means i could basically start tommorow. I am used to watering my greenhouse plants pretty regularly anyway and these would be in or near my room, so would i be ok to self water?