trying to, moma, trying....

that happened to my ex-MIL around 50. she says she developed a bunch of new allergies around the same time as well. *good thoughts for you and maryjane*
30 was a weird hurdle for me: i had my first kid when i was 29 and was suddenly beset with all sorts of 'weird' intolerances afterwards (finally narrowed it down to salicylates and sulphites).... couldn't eat *anything without being *covered in hives for a good 2 years, working with my cannababies was *hellish* (salicylates are a major immunity component of most brightly coloured/flavoured plants including Our Green Lady). finally getting it a bit under control with the help of a holistic allergist but i still have a phobia of the nightshade family (which sucks because i love peppers of all kinds) (<-chile peppers are major offenders - at the top of most 'foods to avoid if you're sal intolerant' lists)
'elimination diet' is a cursed phrase in our house....