Grow Video's

If theirs any supernatural users out their, i just found their youtube. channel. They got videos on most or all of their products. video's are alright. i am already a big fan of their products.

I love the fact that you explain and show everything there is to know.... Really makes the job a lot easier.... I haven't started growing yet, still in the process of getting the correct items for a successful harvest. I am stuck because I'm not sure what soil to get. I know what the soils must have in em, but I can't seem to locate the best brand to use...... Can u please help me

Rookie soon Pro
If theirs any supernatural users out their, i just found their youtube. channel. They got videos on most or all of their products. video's are alright. i am already a big fan of their products.

This guy is trying not to smile, cuz he knows he talking about BUD:weed:
:cool:Tons of grow videos & some sweet knowledge!!!

What are some great Gorilla Grow Videos???

Would love to see somebody actually finding a spot( or potential spot) and then kind of planning the steps it takes if NOT your property...
Mr. Green is one creepy mofo, I've always maintained my father inlaw is related to Jorge by appearance and mannerisms lol Great Thread Thanks!
I was indeed feeling great about the scoop and video as well. Extremely educative and I had gain ideas about regrowing this particular plant and all essential information that this had have.