tick tack toe
Well-Known Member
Day 42
Slowly getting there. The Blue Dreams hairs are turning a nice golden brown now and I can see a few of the trainwreck turning as well. Still 3 weeks to go but it still might go longer. Took my plants out of the room today and put in a new carbon filter. Had the old one for a few years (remember I don't grow all year) and it had died on me.
Really need to use my space better. as under the main plant it is very light green because light just can't get down there. Still the plants are slowly filling out. Looking forward to these last few weeks. I love watching them ripen.
It's pretty packed in there but still the front isn't being used as well as I can.

Blue Dream
OG Kush
Slowly getting there. The Blue Dreams hairs are turning a nice golden brown now and I can see a few of the trainwreck turning as well. Still 3 weeks to go but it still might go longer. Took my plants out of the room today and put in a new carbon filter. Had the old one for a few years (remember I don't grow all year) and it had died on me.
Really need to use my space better. as under the main plant it is very light green because light just can't get down there. Still the plants are slowly filling out. Looking forward to these last few weeks. I love watching them ripen.

It's pretty packed in there but still the front isn't being used as well as I can.

Blue Dream


OG Kush