Grow with T12 fluorescent lights?

So I've got seedlings that are in their first week of growth (48) that are going to go outside. I have them under 4 40watt GE plant/aquarium t12 lights.
I was wondering if I could keep one plant indoors in a 5 gallon bucket or so, under these 4 cfl's? I understand that the plants need a different spectrum to flower and such, but would it be worth trying? It's going to be more of an experiment for me, but I thought that I would run it by some people more experienced than I so I don't waste any seedlings.
Thank you!


Well-Known Member
Sure, just don't try to grow it huge. Those lights won't put off enough light for a big plant.
lst or scrog might be a good idea too.
It'd be a good idea to go with redder bulbs for flowering, 26 or 2700k.