Growbox, anything missing?


Well-Known Member
so did you get that 100w light put in mate??
when you do you'll be glad you did it make ya plant bush out like a beast..:mrgreen:

C Smoke

Active Member


Thanks for all the support from fellow RIU-ites!

Big Ben is doin' well so far. Sometimes some of it's leaves act like they wanna twist. Anyone viewing know what that might be?

x I don't have it on a very steady light schedule, either. One day I might have it on 16/8, from like 2:00 am to 6:00 pm, and then maybe 24 hours the next day. My work schedule has been a little jumpy so I'm not around to turn it on and off at the same time each day. Is this gunna mess with my plant's head?

x I dont have the extra 100w's in CFL yet, I was wondering whether 300w would be too much for one plant or not. What do you think?

Oh! and one more question...

x She's forming new sets of leaves where the branches meet the main stem. Anyone know what these are called? Where I can look when I wanna search for sex organs?

Thanks again for all the help!

I'll post some more photos whenever I see noticeable changes in the plant. Everyone keeps your fingers crossed for pistils!

---C Smoke---

C Smoke

Active Member
Got bored so I shot up the plant with more pics. It's so photogenic! You'll notice in the third picture that some of the bottom leaves are turning yellow. Too much light? Not enough nutrients? I'm kinda in a bind because I can't find anywhere in town that sells plant food except for Miracle Grow or something like that. MY KINGDOM FOR SOME FOX FARM! Also tried to shoot the little extensions growing inbetween the branches n stems. I cant remember how old this plant is, maybe 3 weeks? Anyways, I'm always posting questions, so if you would scan up a few posts every now n then and see if you can find some unanswered inquiries, I'll take any help I can get!

---C Smoke---


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Well-Known Member
sup smoke you can give ya plant to much light mate but i use two 200w envirolights mate on two plants so...... they loves it:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
On a side note...

does anyone know how to distinguish wind burn from excessive light?

in my experience windburn generally makes yr leaves twist and distort a little and makes the edges of the leaves roll upwards slightly, excessive light although i dont believe is possible with yr setup tends to bleach the leaves of colour, normally associated with keeping h.i.ds too close to the tops of the plants. Yr flouros sound like daylight tubes, perfect for veggin! I use 2x125w envirolites for veg and keep them 2inches or so from the tops, and a 600w hps in a cooltube setup for bloom. If u cant afford an hps, i know theyre a bit pricey maybe consider gettin a second hand one? If yr gettin yellowing and u dont have any nutes pot up into a bigger pot with fresh soil, this is what i do throughout veg without feeding at all. Lookin good tho mate, yr plant looks very sativa to me! All the best!

C Smoke

Active Member
Thanks Cyrus n Londoner. Good to have help across seas

Im off today in search of organic soil! Tired of being paranoid about this MG time release stuff. I might look around pawn shops for a sodium lamp. Pay day is today! Woo! I already have some plant food. It's kinda a knock off generic brand. Its called "Expert Grower" and it's 28-8-16 (High in Nitrogen). I think I read somewhere that plants need more nitrogen during vegetation. Any vouchers? If so, i'll start droppin a bit of this into the water.


Well-Known Member
yea thats right mate for veg... sounds good...
use summin like 28-28-28 for flower i think or maybe the middle one should be abit lower...but you get what i mean!! happy growin to ya bud


Well-Known Member
oh yea is you're plant bag seed?
or did you buy it?
if its bag seed i'd would grow a few more just in case the plant you got is male...

C Smoke

Active Member
oh yea is you're plant bag seed?
or did you buy it?
if its bag seed i'd would grow a few more just in case the plant you got is male...
You are correct!

From the sack to the soil

I got a couple more seeds germinating at the moment, I can see a little root pokin out of em, but i'll let em sit for a little longer.

Wish you could determine the sex earlier so there's not as much suspense and fear of all this attention for nothing.

The plant is very sativa, not showing many signs of indica at all. Does that mean the buzz will be more stoney?


Well-Known Member
28-8-16 sounds a bit rich to me but will suffice, just start of feeding weakly if u have to, i mean 1/4-1/2 the lowest stated dose. i use bio-bizz organic nutes which is 8-2-6 veg, 2-6-3.5 bloom. My advice to you would be bin the miracle grow, get some decent organic soil, dont feed yet as u are already in time release nute soil, pot up into a bigger pot when it needs feeding using the "good" soil and u should be good as far as feeding go's until flowering at least. 28-28-28 for flower sounds a bit hmmm to me, u want a lower N (first number) higher P(second number) and some where inbetween K, too much N during bloom can hinder flowering. :peace: oh and it can still be a male even if u bought the seed, unless u bought feminised:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
You are correct!

From the sack to the soil

I got a couple more seeds germinating at the moment, I can see a little root pokin out of em, but i'll let em sit for a little longer.

Wish you could determine the sex earlier so there's not as much suspense and fear of all this attention for nothing.

The plant is very sativa, not showing many signs of indica at all. Does that mean the buzz will be more stoney?

how old is yr plant? u can usually determine sex while in veg, mine normally start to show preflowers around 6weeks about a foot tall give or take a bit, males often show first. Sativas generally give an up cerebral heady high while indicas a heavy couchlock body stone, but that also depends on the stage of ripeness yr at when u harvest. Oh and bear in mind if u do get a hps u'l have to step up yr extraction considerably, they produce far more heat that yr flouros but far far more light!!


Well-Known Member
x I don't have it on a very steady light schedule, either. One day I might have it on 16/8, from like 2:00 am to 6:00 pm, and then maybe 24 hours the next day. My work schedule has been a little jumpy so I'm not around to turn it on and off at the same time each day. Is this gunna mess with my plant's head?

x I dont have the extra 100w's in CFL yet, I was wondering whether 300w would be too much for one plant or not. What do you think?

Oh! and one more question...

x She's forming new sets of leaves where the branches meet the main stem. Anyone know what these are called? Where I can look when I wanna search for sex organs?

Thanks again for all the help!

I'll post some more photos whenever I see noticeable changes in the plant. Everyone keeps your fingers crossed for pistils!

---C Smoke---
You need to get a timer rigged up to yr lights mate, the differing light schedule will mess with yr plants internal clock, not sure how much during veg but during flower you need to keep yr lights 12 hours on and off exactly at the same time each day, i.e 7am on 7pm off bang on. An ordinary plug in household timer will do, get the best quality one u can afford, but if u do decide to go hps you'l need to run the timer in conjunction with a contactor relay to prevent the high initial start up current from fusing yr timers contacts together and causing yr lights to stay on 24/7.
300w would not be too much for one plant.
Look at the nodes to find sex, the place on the main stem where each branch and leaf stem meets it, two white hairs female, roundish balls male, but both will be very tiny at first so make sure to leave it long enough if u suspect male and let the balls grow a little, sometimes the very begining of female calyx's can be mistaken for male balls...
Hope all this helps.:peace:


Well-Known Member
sometimes the very begining of female calyx's can be mistaken for male balls....
yea i done that:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
shouldve mentioned b4 u should be on a 18/6 or 20/4 schedule at the moment for veg, some people use 24/0, i dont like it, everything in nature sleeps why should mary b different? More happens during the dark cycle any way, root growth upwards growth. And have u made sure yr box is 100% light proof? I noticed u said u drilled holes for intakes? These will need to be baffled somehow to prevent light leakage into the box during dark hours, the slightest light leak can slow yr flowering at best and completely prevent flowering at worst or turn yr hopefully female into a he/she!! Or u could just make sure the box is in a dark room during lights off period with NO turning the room light on. Looking at your box it doesnt look that tall so u have to bear in mind that mary normally doubles-triples her vegitated height in the first few weeks of 12/12 schedule then continues to grow a bit more until finish....:peace:


Well-Known Member
light leakage into the box during dark hours....

londoner not being funny mate but we have a moon man!!!
howd do you spose the plants deal with that....

a little bit of light is fine..

my grow room has high temps so i have to leave my door open and i always have lights on but i put a white sheet on the door and it aint 100% light proof n well my plants are looking sweet as!!
so i say its ok to have a little light just not in direct light...


Well-Known Member
light leakage into the box during dark hours....

londoner not being funny mate but we have a moon man!!!
howd do you spose the plants deal with that....

a little bit of light is fine..

my grow room has high temps so i have to leave my door open and i always have lights on but i put a white sheet on the door and it aint 100% light proof n well my plants are looking sweet as!!
so i say its ok to have a little light just not in direct light...
moon light does not affect plants photosynthetically, it doesnt produce the right
kind of light, if u have any light leakage into yr growroom it will be slowing yr flowering, of course yr plants look fine its not going to make yr plants look any different, on my first few grows many moons ago, i always noticed there was far fewer calyx's and the calyx's were underdeveloped on just a few branches in just one corner of the room in coparison with the rest of the buds, i was baffled until i peeped into the room just after lights off one day and noticed a tiny and i mean tiny red led light on one of my extension leads in that corner, covered the led with duct tape and problem solved! Now you tell me that a little light during dark hours is fine?? Yea yr plants probably do look fine but would also probably bud up better if they had total darkness! You can run yr setup with light leakage all you want but id rather keep mine 100% lightproof and would ALWAYS recommend others to do so too! i dont want my girls to suddenly have a sex change in the middle of bloom and ruin my crop!!:mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
why do u think grow tents and grow cabs are always made 100% lightproof and people make such a stink when theyre tent or cab has a little light leak?? If its acceptable to have a little light leakage they would make em with just a plastic sheet like u do. I use a budbox tent which has light baffles on all intakes etc.


Well-Known Member
well the light that leaks in mine is not bad its not light leak more of a faded light through the sheet... but its fine..
my buds are growin pukka and they aint even that old yet!!
n they from bag seed so ima happy boy:mrgreen:

but they have got skinny ass stalks im thinking they r gona snap soon...
my fan just dont seem to be doin anything n i had it so close i give them wind burn what should i do londoner any advice for that mate!!:confused: