GROWER IN DILEMMA: How to confront a possible fellow grower?


Well-Known Member
haha - I'm a pot nerd, and a pot snob (sometimes)...

i throw in with a couple of my friends sometimes when they find something decent... keeps me under cover (why would I buy it if i was growing it?) but sometimes they pull out a bag of some real shitty weed and i take a puff and pass - and refuse to hit it again... i think it was REAL grass...

although, in social situations sometimes it fucks with me... the pot nerdery is taking up 90% of my brain but i cant talk about it... so i have to pick something from the 10% bullshit space, and its usually not very exciting ;-)


Well-Known Member
at least he's good at it ;-) (if that is his)

but if he's building his own house, he's probably got the coin to buy it for real too... its a tough question... kinda like, "can I fuck your wife?" haha... well maybe not that bad.
LOL! Oh I love you guys sometimes. I got a really good laugh out of that one! Thanks for the "pick me up"!:clap:

Spartan Grower

Active Member
So, I have a friend who built a house within the recent few years. He gave me a tour of it once and a really detailed one at that. He mentioned an "unfinished" room that he joked he wanted to turn into a panic room.

Anyways, he always has a variety of weed. Like 3-4 strains normally, but sometimes he will be dry for weeks. Says he buys a variety in bulk at a time. He smoked me and my girl up to beyond retarded. We sampled all strains he had (Bubblegum, White Rhino, White Widow, and Northern Lights X Diesel). Even loaded me a one hitter of kief.

To get to the point, I think he is possible growing. I believe his "future panic" room is his grow room.He was talking it up for being organic, and that they werent compressed at all and were still very fluffy, basically looked a little like some homegrown. He knew enough about bud to be a grower.

I ended up picking up a bag of the White Rhino and White Widow. He even gave me a nug of the bubblegum to try out.

How do I possibly pop the question? That is, "Hey dude, serious question...Do you grow your shit?"

Pic 1 - Bubblegum

Pic 2 - White Rhino

Pic 3 - White Widow
From the sounds of it he is more than likely growing. But you must remember that one of the 10 commandments of growing is not to tell a soul. You could pop the question and say that you grow as well and you are interested in learning organics see what he says and you can tell right of the bat if he grows are not, but IMO he does and is doing it right.


Active Member
I'd leave it be and grow your own! If he wanted you to know, he would have told you. He has to fear government and possibly you trying to rob him! ( not that you would, but keep that in mind) I'd tell NO ONE and stay well armed and have video surveillance.