Grower says I killed their clones


Hi all,
hope it’s ok that I post this but hoping to get some feedback.
I installed the ac and electrical for 2 indoor grow rooms. At first the 4 ac units drained water properly to the outside.
about 2 weeks after the clones were placed in the grow rooms, the condensation drains couldnt handle the amount of drainage and started overflowing. Within about 48 to 72 hours, I corrected the problem so they all drain properly again. Growers now blame me for killing the clones because of the water from the ac units drained on the floor and created excess humidity. One of the growers even said the humidity caused aphids to populate on the clones thereby killing them.
can someone give their opinion on this? They still owe me a lot of money and now want to deduct that from the cost of the clones.

thanks so much
I don't get it, someone is paying you to grow clones for them? Is this like a modern day sharecropper situation? Humidity wouldn't cause aphids to populate the clones, that's more up to general poor room management-you just need to adopt a regular IPM program.
I don't get it, someone is paying you to grow clones for them? Is this like a modern day sharecropper situation? Humidity wouldn't cause aphids to populate the clones, that's more up to general poor room management-you just need to adopt a regular IPM program.

sorry if wasn’t clear:
I’m a contractor that installs air conditioning systems. A grower hired me to install the ac equipment for their 2 indoor grow rooms.
Sounds odd. How high did the humidity get? I don't see how high humidity is going to kill clones or bring aphids into a grow room.

But if I hired a contractor to install equipment and that equipment leaked water all over the floor I would have an issue with that. Sounds like you had to go back and fix something that should have been taken care of at the time of installation.

But I don't think you killed their clones.
Hi all,
hope it’s ok that I post this but hoping to get some feedback.
I installed the ac and electrical for 2 indoor grow rooms. At first the 4 ac units drained water properly to the outside.
about 2 weeks after the clones were placed in the grow rooms, the condensation drains couldnt handle the amount of drainage and started overflowing. Within about 48 to 72 hours, I corrected the problem so they all drain properly again. Growers now blame me for killing the clones because of the water from the ac units drained on the floor and created excess humidity. One of the growers even said the humidity caused aphids to populate on the clones thereby killing them.
can someone give their opinion on this? They still owe me a lot of money and now want to deduct that from the cost of the clones.

thanks so much

Was it clear in the contract or whatever that it would be for a grow...therefore needing some build level above and beyond normal?

But no, that's their mistake and issue. They didn't know what to do in the event something didn't work and are trying to pass the buck. Legally who knows, laws are weird around weed related things.
Ask for a meeting and explain it calmly and carefully. Even if it's a phone call.

If something flooded and caused damage, I would concede something to make it go away. If however they are only claiming high humidity rotted their clones, they better have proof to make such a claim.

If they also insist the bugs are your fault then you know they are not being professional and are pulling a typical scumbag play of they screwed up and maybe they can lay blame on the contractor.

IMO the key is that you proceed professionally. When they go psycho and try and protect their reputation you go straight to the boss and call him on it. Either pay and stop the nonsense or it is court.
Do the air conditioners have a maximum operating threshold that was exceeded, causing the flood? If they "overloaded" the system I don't see you being at fault.
I'd say the builder/designer is responsible for ensuring adequate cooling and drainage volume. If you were contracted to install a certain capacity unit, as opposed to recommending a unit, they made the mistake.
Ok thanks guys. Yes it was my fault initially for not providing better downward slope for the drainage lines. They drained fine for a good 2 weeks but I fixed it within a few days of them calling me.

I don’t want to add more clutter to this but they also said my electrical work caused some problems.
that’s even more complicated to explain
Do the air conditioners have a maximum operating threshold that was exceeded, causing the flood? If they "overloaded" the system I don't see you being at fault.
I'd say the builder/designer is responsible for ensuring adequate cooling and drainage volume. If you were contracted to install a certain capacity unit, as opposed to recommending a unit, they made the mistake.
The initial flooding was my fault but it wasn’t major. Just some puddles on the floor. I simply had to increase the slope of the drain lines
Ok thanks guys. Yes it was my fault initially for not providing better downward slope for the drainage lines. They drained fine for a good 2 weeks but I fixed it within a few days of them calling me.

I don’t want to add more clutter to this but they also said my electrical work caused some problems.
that’s even more complicated to explain
Unless you are an uninsured electrician/hvac tech this isnt a problem. Accidents happen, thats why you should have insurance.
Ask for a meeting and explain it calmly and carefully. Even if it's a phone call.

If something flooded and caused damage, I would concede something to make it go away. If however they are only claiming high humidity rotted their clones, they better have proof to make such a claim.

If they also insist the bugs are your fault then you know they are not being professional and are pulling a typical scumbag play of they screwed up and maybe they can lay blame on the contractor.

IMO the key is that you proceed professionally. When they go psycho and try and protect their reputation you go straight to the boss and call him on it. Either pay and stop the nonsense or it is court.
Thanks so much for the great input. Yeah they’re grasping at anything they can to not pay me the full amount owed. How could aphids get into a closed grow room?
Unless you are an uninsured electrician/hvac tech this isnt a problem. Accidents happen, thats why you should have insurance.
Thanks but I’m fully licensed, bonded and insured. I’d rather work this out with the growers rather than make a claim on my insurance and I’m sure they’d rather not involve legal issues with their unlicensed grow room.