growers in ontario


Active Member
i grow every outdoor season usually i plant in may.

last year i started mid may but due to a lack of interest (g/f problems) i didnt get the greatest results but good enough to not complain.

this year i got started a little late because i couldnt get clones on time. anyways in ontario where i am in the greater toronto area the weather was pretty rough around mid may til june 1st.

i planted on june 1st i put out a nice patch of 30 and theyre going well. they are waist high and bushy as hell. in the following week i went out 3 times to put other plots i set up like 6 more and put in like 10 in each spot. they obviously arent as big as the main patch that i put everything i had into. they are about 2 feet high maybe 1.5.

anyways my question is kind of a statement as well. i believe that due to the climate changes in my area where the winter season stretched into the spring months and the spring season is now stretching into the summer months (which is why the weather aint that great and it keeps raining) i believe the summer will run into the autumn months. if this is true then my planting in june this year would be an equivalent to planting in may two years ago.

im worried my other plots wont get as big as i hope they will, so my question is if anyone else is experiencing this or perhaps has in the past?


Active Member
its hard to say.. its been a rough growing season on ontario for all 'farmers'
no crops, corn, wheat, weed, wutever, is doing too hot. we need some 30+ days to pick tings up.
if ur ladies are 2 feet or waist high, they sound like they r doing pretty good. we'll just have to see wut happens come fall.


Active Member
Your patches with 30 or 40, it sounds like you'll end up with a pretty respectable harvest. mine are about waist high, but i have 6 clones and 3 seedings.


Sounds like your plants are well. If you have 30-40 plants, you are getting a respectable yield, if they budded now, even!

I am hoping your statement (about longer summer) is not true, as I am hoping not to have to force flower too long before I move

Started with 24, and am now at 10, due to harsh climates and deer.

P.S. looking for methods of force flowering, for a patch of plants in the ground.


Active Member
Sounds like your plants are well. If you have 30-40 plants, you are getting a respectable yield, if they budded now, even!

I am hoping your statement (about longer summer) is not true, as I am hoping not to have to force flower too long before I move

Started with 24, and am now at 10, due to harsh climates and deer.

P.S. looking for methods of force flowering, for a patch of plants in the ground.

If you are lookig to force flower outdoors and ur plants are in the ground then you will have to tent them 12 hours after sunrise. tarps would proly be the way to go.. just make sure its as light tight as possible


Active Member
the poor weather up here has been pretty shitty, The cold temps at night are not helping anything, I put out 9 and now have 3 last time I checked.


Active Member
this is exactly why i put so many. i actually bought 175 clones and sold a bit to make money back i ended up with a little over 100 so i lost a bit too.
Where's the best place to put them ever tried beans?...My area in the Gta seems too have no corn fields..Thats whats i usaully go in.?

Dr. Bud420

Where's the best place to put them ever tried beans?...My area in the Gta seems too have no corn fields..Thats whats i usaully go in.?
I don't think you want to put your pot in a bean field. Beans grow a foot or so off the ground and your ladies would stick out like a sore thumb in a bean field. Think about it....acres upon acres of low lying beans, then out of nowhere you've got an eight foot pot plant.
If you're close to bean fields then chances are you aren't far from a corn field. If you really can't find corn then you'd be better of puttin your ladies in some scrub land or the edge of a forest.
Just my opinion....But I'll wish you luch with whatever you choose.