Growers with anti pot girlfriends


Well-Known Member
Anyone here ever dated a person that tottally anti pot? My gf is always on something, first she always trips when i smoke weed, than later always trips when i talk about weed. Untill one day i almost left her than she accepts it, now shes trippin about my job, becuase i told her my co-workers are felons and illegals and ima be required to work 6 days a week 5p-3am her exscuse is everything i do is illegal despit me having a medical card. She be getting so jelouse of marijane.
Anyone ever hsd a gf like that before? And how did that relationship turn out?
Im still with her but i now carry ear plugs when i smoke weed around her.
Dude.....Not sounding like a dick or anything,but I think you need to find another gf. Cause you fix one thing then she'll find another one to complain about and so on and so on. Take it from me.....a man married to the same woman for 29 years!! btw the ear plugs could be big trouble!! Miss something she says cause you couldnt hear her could blow up big time!
Your situation has nothing to do with Marijuana.

Your situation has to do with an unhappy woman.

I know ending it is easier said than done...but it will end sooner or later (probably later).

Cut her loose now before you waste anymore time.
Dude.....Not sounding like a dick or anything,but I think you need to find another gf. Cause you fix one thing then she'll find another one to complain about and so on and so on. Take it from me.....a man married to the same woman for 29 years!! btw the ear plugs could be big trouble!! Miss something she says cause you couldnt hear her could blow up big time!

The ear plug thing i just started today havent used it yet but ill take your word on it by not a good idea, as for getting a new gf i dont think it has climax to that level yet. The job thing i got is new and i just got hired a few days ago, but i havent started work yet. She has been a bitch, but before this place hired me i was broke as a joke who needed assistance on the bill when we go out. She pays my gas too, and phone bill she just hates marijuana while i would never give that up. She is also clingy as fuck wants all my time, ionno how its gonna turn out once i work 5pm-3am and her being a full time college student = barely anytime to spend on weekdays.
Been trying to my dude but the bitch gots asthma and uses that exscuse

Well my wife is a Respiratory Therapist and I'll get back to ya and see what cannabis does to an asthmatic! She might not be able to use that excuse anymore, but highly unlikely. Who knows, it could be a good lung exercise. Hehe :)
dude i know totally what you feel. my GF moved out cos of my op were still together she just couldnt deal with the paranoia. so i doubled my output to cover the bills n rent myself and put away for a deposit for a house. were gonna move back in together in a year when ive got the scratch.

she keeps on at me to get a different job or go back to school n get a career n we argue bout it all the time,. i want to move to a decrim country and start a breeding business. hell there are tons of people out there doing it makin a good living somewhere they can grow n smoke without persecution. but no she wants to stay in the pissing cold wet n rainy uk !?!? not sharing the same life goals i fear will eventually tear us apart but if its what i truly want i guess it will break my heaart but so be it. i want to be with her but i want to be happy too and if im with her but unhappy then whats the point eh!?

anyway sorry i went a bit emo hahahaha
Been trying to my dude but the bitch gots asthma and uses that exscuse

Listen, felt your pain before, but come on........that "bitch" has asthma lol. She probably cant smoke and that doesnt sound like an excuse it sounds like a concern that you should be able to deal with.
You already know how this is going to end, its going to be messy, make no mistake about that. Getting out of a relationship like the one your in takes time, and they won't be good times, my suggestion, get stabilized, and start working out the numbers...Like fore me, i'm going through something similar. I know in order for her and my daughter to be okay I need to make sure before this ends that I take care of her tickets and get her a car because as SOON as we split, she won't take any help from me, she's to proud. So figure out how much your going to need to make the transition as easy as you can for both of you, but even with that, it will get messy, and it can't end well. They're is no "ending well" in that kind of situation.
you work 6 days a week. 5pm - 3am. No wonder shes not happy. you gotta find a new job

Ive been broke for so long and been job hunting for 5 months becuase of recession, i mean im glad she still mine regardless of how broke and inferior i feel but dam a man cant be a boy forever.
Well keep that job till you can find one with better hours man. Those are terrible hours, thats when your girl wants to be you. If shes like any of the girls Ive met, they dont put up with bullshit for too long
I'm new here. But this subject is one I am all to familier with. Not sure how old you are, But the only person that can make you happy is YOU. Drop her, I promise you it will only get worse. You dont want to look back 1 year from now and say...Damn I wasted another year.
Ive been broke for so long and been job hunting for 5 months becuase of recession, i mean im glad she still mine regardless of how broke and inferior i feel but dam a man cant be a boy forever.

Dang.....Dude finally finds a job that gives him mucho hours let alone finding a decent job period, and now you want him to consider finding a new one? Sheesh....dudes got enough problems as it is!! Keep the Job.....Dump the Chick!!
Dang.....Dude finally finds a job that gives him mucho hours let alone finding a decent job period, and now you want him to consider finding a new one? Sheesh....dudes got enough problems as it is!! Keep the Job.....Dump the Chick!!

Right on money, I don't know who retro's been with, but I've never been with a chick that left me because I had an overnight schedule, and I've had a couple...especially after 5 months unemployed?!! Fuck that, its not like you had options, you took what you can get, so keep that shit. Know that they're is no fixing it and make preps to get the fuck out, Led's right, the longer that shit takes, the more you kick yourself later...I was in a 5 yr relationship that should have been dead after year 3, probably sooner than that, and I still to this day look at it as 2 years I straight up wasted...
Here main reason, its an illegal job... Just becuase felons and illegals work thier, she not trippin on my plants though as long as i dont mention it
Just slip her two hits of acid, make sure it's good. Take two yourself too, say for breakfast or something. and 30 minutes later say something like: "Woa... bad eggs man" and just start laughing with her non stop. After which state that unless she accepts you for who you are, you have to end it. She will be so emotionally shocked that she will either be your sex toy for the next few months, or she might kill herself. Either way, you solve your problems. :)