Unless you already know how it would be implemented without anyone getting ripped off, kinda like escrow, then no. Without that kind of capability, then all you have is an app that would allow someone to get some free weed and send nothing in return. And I really don't see how you could implement such a feature.
Working on the goodness of mankind would be well and good, but that's not reality. Without such a system the app would be taken advantage of those with a lesser sense of morals.
Thanks for the response

. I've got it planned out to a degree. And I think that it's a pretty bullet proof system from all angles - anonymity, low profile, not even needing a meeting.
It would basically be a GPS system where two growers once they'd agreed to trade would drop a 5g bag of their finest in a location. Then once both locations were confirmed the app would send out the details. Then there'd be a feedback mechanism to let the system know that the swap had been a success.
It would work on a pay it forward system. There'd be 2 different user types - 1) New account; 2) Activated account (able to arrange swaps). To activate an account a user would have to 'pay it forward' by dropping 5 x 1g baggies at GPS locations of their choosing. The guidelines would state that swaps are limited to 5g to ensure low interest from undesirables.
So the outcome would hopefully be that lots of people would get free weed (albeit in small amounts) as growers activated their accounts; but then growers would be able to browse a local weed list by strains to swap. The great thing about growing is that you end up with lots of the stuff so for me doing a grow it means I could end up with multiple strains from a single grow. The app would take care of feedback and validity of swaps, and if anyone pulled the wool, they'd have to reactivate their account by doing another 5 x 1g drops.