growforgood904 grow journal


Well-Known Member
sorry guys.. i had some uhhhh? technical probloms ... got a knock on the door . and bam!! they take all my shit. cut my lights and say we will be in touch.. thats it .. really bummed me out.. really havnt had the nerve to get on here and see all this beautiful plants being grown . and knowing being here in florida its against the law? for what reason i dont know its just a fucking plant. but anyway. since that happened. my cali connect to good dank got cut.. so all i can get is beasters (which i turn down everytime!!!!!!) havnt smoked good pot in a while ... u know i try to be a positive person and good to people .. and what do i get? the fuckin fuzz at my door?! there is good news i suppose. i did manage to give some clones to a buddy of mine.. i do get to check them out.. and there are looking good. my buddy feels bad for me and sd i get first dibbs at harvest time!!! wow.. pitty party!!!! .anway.. i did spend some $$ for the best atty in town.. he is even in HIgh TImes!!! and still i have not seen any charges? i think the fuzz got a buzz off my shit !!! thanks for worrying!! i miss you guys too and all ur good work you guys put in ur plant!!! i will be on here looking.. prob wont have the balls to grow until it is legalized or til move to a leagal state.. (which is possible!!!


Well-Known Member
by the way!! FUCK YOU IF U ARE THE FUZZ ass cop who is againts what Jah, God, Budda, Jahova,(whatever u believe in ) put here on this beautiful earth!!!