growin from seed

iv had the best luck with germinating them in a cup of water for about 16 hour ish atleast untill they sink then i put them into jiffy pucks and i plant them a seed length down. i find that when my seeds break open and grow underground vs papertowel that there much stronger and faster growers and have more roots vs sticking the tap root underground after its been out for days
iv had the best luck with germinating them in a cup of water for about 16 hour ish atleast untill they sink then i put them into jiffy pucks and i plant them a seed length down. i find that when my seeds break open and grow underground vs papertowel that there much stronger and faster growers and have more roots vs sticking the tap root underground after its been out for days

So jut stick it in a cup of water and let it sink to the bottom? never heard of that method but that sounds interesting enough to try.
Key point is be patient!!
I popped my first set of seeds this week. I did paper towel for 2 days. Opened it up and half the seeds had a tap root 1/8" and the others were cracked open. I got over excited and put them all in soil. I watered them just a little. Second day in soil they felt dry so I added about twice as much water. I checked on the every few hours out of boredom and excitement. 3rd day in soil I dug down to check on them. Most had broke the seed and had a root going down but nothing coming up yet. So I just put a thin layer of soil back on top, and next morning they were just breaking the ground.
moral of the story, just wait.
Go straight to soil is all I have ever done.

Couple tips
Pre wet your soil BEFORE you plant the seed. Mix it in a bucket or something, fill the pots and even it out.
Don't plant too deep 1/4 is plenty
Keep the surface moist by misting it pretty good a few times a day
Don't worry they'll be up in 3 days
ive got some seeds, i thought about putting them in the wet paper towel to germinate them...and then i had some people tell me that i should just put it straight into the soil and let it grow from there.

what are the opinions guys?

any help or words would be good.

been growin about a year but its always been from clones...never messed to much with seeds

i put them in a water shooter type glass, on my water heater for, if they dident sink after 24h push them with finger to help them sink, after 1 or 2 days you should have that little thing crack the seed and come out

i then do the paper towel thing for 24h or so

worked 100%of the time so far (10 times)
Put the seeds in damp kitchen paper towel and put in plates. Seal damp plates with cling film (dont know name in America) and pierce 4-5 holes in the side of the cling film and put on top of heater boiler.

After 18-24 hours you will have huge tap roots ready for rockwool.
great tips guys really appreciate it. the one that taught me how to grow said it was dumb to grow from seed and stick in bloom. it's not bad if youre growing your mothers from seed, correct?