Growin Question... Help Plz!!!


Active Member
Im in asia and currently growin outdoor so far all my plants looks great... and never really came across any problems..... the only problems is that the couple bottom set of leaves curls down inward and seems dry but still perfectly green.... is it because its not gettin enough sunlight or what? the plants are about 3.5-4.5 months old and it still in it's veg state..... is this normal? [since im living around the equator] and i usually don't fertilize my plants that often... but it's still pretty healthy... but if i get it to flower will i need to fertilize it more or just do what im doin right now...?
and when the plants get stress out often will that effect the yield of the plant a lot?


Well-Known Member
yes stess does effect the yield if its flowering,
what kind of nutes are you using now, pics would help