I see what you mean. That's cool of you. And I understand when you say it's not good for people to help do something that could potentially ruin their life, I tend to agree with that on one hand. But on the other hand, as an example, let's say you have a teenage daughter who is sexually active. You can tell her abstinence is best and she should wait until after marriage to engage in sexual activity to persuade her into waiting to having intercourse until she's mature enough to make responsible decisions. But if that girl makes up her mind to have sex, she's going to do it, with or without approval and, most likely, with irresponsible regard to the consequences of her actions. So in that sense, it is best to educate her on how to have sex responsibly; use condoms, birth control, make sure she's aware of STDs and that if she has any questions, she can come to you.
So yes, I agree what Andreyy is doing is potentially dangerous and not a great idea. Similarly, his mind is made up, and all we can do is try to guide him in the right direction. Look at his situation as if he were the young girl who is sexually uneducated and he would get put in jail and lose his future like that girl could potentially get AIDS and lose her future and life. Just because they are doing something that is wrong doesn't mean you can just turn a blind eye to it. What if you read online that he grew pot in his dorm anyway and got busted because a student next door detected a suspicious smell? Wouldn't you think "stupid kid doesn't know how to hide the smell, he deserves to get caught?" I would probably think the same thing, but considering that I came on here, read his post and had the opportunity to tell him to watch out for the odor level and DIDN'T, I would feel like I let him down. Because he came here asking for help and because of my own morals that I abide by decided not to help him. Had I helped, maybe he wouldn't have gotten caught.
Haha, I'm stoned-rambling. The whole point is, he's going to do it anyway, whether we help him or not. If it's our help that could keep him from ruining his life, then I think we should give it to him. If you don't want to help because you think it gives him the ammo to ruin his life, then that's similar to not giving condoms to the teen girl thinking it will encourage her to have sex that she wouldn't have had if you didn't give them to her. Does that makes sense?
Either way, I think you're a good man for caring enough to take the time and try to dissuade him. But, I've been following this thread for quite some time and I know he's undeterred. He might only have bread to eat after buying weed, but that's his choice. I know this is going to sound equally as stupid, but when I'm really broke, I'll buy cigarettes before food. But that's cool because it's my choice. He might not have enough money for a primo setup, but if he's determined enough to do it, I'm sure he could save up the money for a setup that will grow the one plant he wants to grow. A lot of my setup is DIY and didn't cost me a lot. Plus, I built it over time so I wouldn't have to purchase everything at once.
Ok, I'm stoned-rambling again, I'm gonna go