Growin the ganja in the dorm :D

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I think my last post before u showed up was. Who wants to play some Modern Warfare 2?<<<< That is not pointless! COD MW2 anyone?
It wasnt pointless til u showed up. Thx Mook!

Dude, wtf ? I gave your internet friend lots of valuable information on why he shouldn't. You wanted to flip the script & now you're crying. Like I said, If you can dish it be prepared to take it.

Maybe you should take some advice from me & give him smoke so he doesn't try to grow it in school. If he's your friend you'll hook him up & prevent him from fucking up his life.

[YOUTUBE]<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]
By pointless. I mean, there is NO GROW! U guys are talking about weed. We were talking about MW2 and bullshit. This is all pointless. Thx for wrecking a pretty good chat room, with negativity and lecture. Thx dad!
U guys are talking about weed. We were talking about MW2 and bullshit.

This is from 3 days ago. There is still input from one of your close friends trying to help him get it off the ground.

heres a good looking one DIY carbon filter
think you can get ur hands on this stuff? seriously ur gonna need it my first grow was 2 plants and i have a 2 bedroom 2 story place and it STUNK up the whole place even in veg i just lit up though everytime i was having someone come over but thats not gonna be an option for u cuz weed cost to damn much best of luck

Maybe you guys should just go to Toke N Talk if you wanna chat or go on messenger. But keeping a thread alive with this title is inviting others to come in. I guess you like that because you must be smart enough to know people will weigh in & then its game on for you to fuck with them for goofs. You're welcome son!!

Mods please close this thread. Since all they are talking about is playing video games now, This thread doesn't need to be open or on top in the new posts while they are abusing it & just keeping it alive for chat purposes only.
This is from 3 days ago. There is still input from one of your close friends trying to help him get it off the ground

Maybe you guys should just go to Toke N Talk if you wanna chat or go on messenger. But keeping a thread alive with this title is inviting others to come in. I guess you like that because you must be smart enough to know people will weigh in & then its game on for you to fuck with them for goofs. You're welcome son!!

Mods please close this thread. Since all they are talking about is playing video games now, This thread doesn't need to be open or on top in the new posts while they are abusing it & just keeping it alive for chat purposes only.

...if you were here i swear it`d put you in the ground. Who the hell gives you the right to ask for a thread to be closed you..... i`m just biting my tongue here, trying, FOR ELEVENTH THOUSAND TIME, to be civilised.

I don`t need you and your advice mookie, i don`t want to be friends, i don`t need anything you have to say to me. If you would just get the hell out like you`d promised, maybe we could talk about growing after all. Last 20 pages have been nothing but internet trolls arguing and arguing and arguing AND MAKING THIS THREAD IRRELEVANT. I didn`t invite you in, you came and trolled on. It`s a forum, you come, you give your advice, you go home for supper. You don`t have to god damn RUIN IT. And then you say it`s my fault this thread became what it is now.....

All i wanted was to get my seeds and have a grow. And because i got a cart of shit rotten luck, everybody with internuts is on my case now. Reminder: i payed for seeds, i payed for nutes and jiffy pellets. I didn`t ask them not to arrive, i never came begging for free shit.

Whatever... it doesn`t matter what i say, you people will still do whatever you want.
If you would just get the hell out like you`d promised

I did promise, & I still keep my promises.
Apparently yesterday you were telling another to go follow Mookies bread crumbs to wherever he may be & ended your sentence with a question mark. By doing that you invited me back to let you know I'm still around. Don't talk about me & I won't have to come back to show my face. It's that simple young boy. I keep my promises. You should try keeping yours.

...if you were here i swear it`d put you in the ground

Young people on the internet are tough with words. My avatar is a photo of myself from over 20years ago, I no longer have long hair, I'm a big bald man with 40 more solid pounds on my body. Trust me, if you were to walk by me down the street you would keep your mouth shut & not even dare to try & make eye contact.

Making threats is a no no on the forums. Follow the rules young boy

Are you telling me that after all this hype, the dorm,the trash talking, nearly 700 posts in his thread, along with everything else.....and he couldn't even germ a single bean successfully?

I just won 7/8 free for alls! yall cant compete.... fuck mw2 its all about mw1



Are you telling me that after all this hype, the dorm,the trash talking, nearly 700 posts in his thread, along with everything else.....and he couldn't even germ a single bean successfully?


I know right. I went to page 1 and then to the last page and was like WTF...they been TALKING about growing since 5 months ago. Then to find out he cant even germ seeds. Should have known he was an Idiot when he wanted to risk his future by growing in a dorm room. Besides... If he was in a "Super Luxury" dorm like he said, why not use some of the "super luxury" money and move off campus... then he could grow all he wanted with significantly less risk.

I know right. I went to page 1 and then to the last page and was like WTF...they been TALKING about growing since 5 months ago. Then to find out he cant even germ seeds. Should have known he was an Idiot when he wanted to risk his future by growing in a dorm room. Besides... If he was in a "Super Luxury" dorm like he said, why not use some of the "super luxury" money and move off campus... then he could grow all he wanted with significantly less risk.
exactly, i have seen page after page of people coming in here saying dude was in inspiration. 70 pages and months go by and he cant get seeds to how is he an inspiration?? a good grow journal used to get u views and make u friends on here. this is a glorified shoot the shit thread. gotta be desperate for some buds soon.:sad:
ya i heard cod mw2 is no where near as good as the first..

Its not that its not a fun game for some. But they just did alot of things wrong. things that make it impossible to be a competitive/tactical game. Things that are virtually game breaking... Such as the "One Man Army" Perk. And tell me this, If i can carry a machine pistol or a shotgun (single or Akimbo BTW) as my secondary whats the point of having a wimpy SMG, as my primary, ultimatly making SMG's obsolete.

In cod4:mw, a lvl 5 vs a lvl 55 were only really seperated by skill. Im MW2, The balance between a lvl 8 and lvl 7 is so fuckin off. It becomes a battle of the perks...And the weapons are overpowered to the point that once you are hit you are pretty much dead, you have no time to break for cover..especially becus the guy shooting has a weapon whos recoil is equal to that of a daisy bb gun.

The maps are to big for a 16 player limit (which is ROFL in it self), It promotes and even encourages camping...which is all fine and dandy if you are a sniper, but jeez the campage is crazy in this game and the UAV looks stupid but thats beside the point.
Alright, I just gotta say, I wasted like 2 hours reading this whole thing. I consider it somewhat of an over-sized magazine... full of garbage but entertaining enough to keep ya hooked ; ).

To Dre, sorry about the luck man but I agree with whoever said it earlier, could be a sign. When times are better, and your wallet is larger you can look into creating a full fledged grow with UBAH-YIELD!

Just start compiling the information that you've learned here and keep on reading! Knowledge is more than half the battle in EVERY battle, so I'm sure you see it's worth.

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