
Ten days old, questions and comments welcome. The small plant is three days old. The whitish powder is from primer that didn't stick. I have another identical box which will be stacked on this one when the plants are taller. Note the photos of the knotted cord: This allows me to adjust the light altitude independently.


Yea, got some seeds in this KB-quality bud and decided to try em out. One of the seeds was sorta tiger-striped, so I figured it would grow really well (that's the slightly taller one in the pics). Thanks on the grow box, my own design :)
18 days old now...looking droopy but I hear that's normal for indica. Transplanted em a couple days ago because one was getting rootbound.

How do they look? And how long should I continue vegging them?



Well-Known Member
Droopy leaves can mean over or under water. since your soil looks wet. im going to assume over water.
They've perked up considerably since the transplant and have only been watered twice since. The droopiness was actually due to them being rootbound and soaking up all their water instantly in the old small pots...I'll have to fish up a link to the topic in the Problems board (the soil was bone dry when I discovered the one plant looking slumped and practically dead last week). I'll let the root ball dry up completely before the next water though and see how they respond.
Just about four weeks old now, and both plants are doing great. The lighting is a little different in the two photos, but they're the same color (darker in room lighting, lighter in direct light...looks like the second one got the flash better). The grow box, modified to stage 2, doesn't facilitate photography, so I take em out for photo ops.

One problem is that I only have about one foot of comfortable vertical clearance and the larger plant is taking off vertically. I hit them with 24hr darkness two days ago before switching to 12/12 for flowering. Both have pre-flowers that appear female :)

How can I control the height at this stage?

