
i am looking for advice
should i top my plants.
get a co2 regulator.
and what bloomer should i use i have a booster called overdrive witch allows me to still use bloomer aswell

Blueberry takes well to topping in my experience and actually can get quite tall so it's probably not a bad idea. I don't use CO2 and get great results. Bloom ferts are many. Find a high quality one that suits you and try it.
i am looking for advice
should i top my plants.
get a co2 regulator.
and what bloomer should i use i have a booster called overdrive witch allows me to still use bloomer aswell
chers mate i will try a few and see what difference it makesTo be honest topping the plants just makes them look better i have tested this and both plants were around the same size and they weight was around the same.Just top 5 and let the other 5 grow has nature intended i must admit i always top a few of my plants just out of habbit realy.Also it is always worth getting a extra bllom inhancer i use buddy and just add to my normal nutreints and this can make a big differance to a crop increaseing it by 20/30%.Also co2 geerator is always worth a buy i use a small camping stove that i use for fishing but i just turn off the fans and put it on low in a box that i have made out of metal with legs on to keep the heat of the bottom of the tent i leave it on for harf hour a day during flowering and the plants love this too.This is a perfect example of not haveing to have a co2 burner made for growing a camping stove will do the same thing but more care needs to be taken during use.Just make sure that you are in the room when it is been used for safety....................................tyke................................................................
Wow, 4 ounces on a plant is a good job!!! Im testing with big plants this time around.. i usually dont veg that long and end up with plants up to my waist that harvest aprx. 2 ounces per plant....im growing blueberry i do not top,fim or lst and i get good yields each time never less than 4oz a plant best so far 6.5oz.
heres a couple of my untouched vegging bb's and also a untouched bb that yielded 5oz.
dunno about that ive never seen a blueberry without the redish/purple stems on the fan leaves the main stem is always green? all the BB ive grown and seen grown hav been the same but we are all growing the same bb clones from clones from clone etc. ill have to research some more into that b4 i say this or that.Wow, 4 ounces on a plant is a good job!!! Im testing with big plants this time around.. i usually dont veg that long and end up with plants up to my waist that harvest aprx. 2 ounces per plant....
I noticed you have very verrrry purple stems on your blueberry's... im surprised you actually pulled off that much, seen as purple stems during veg and flowering shouldnt happen unless there is some deficiency. And to get that much off a plant, you shouldnt have had deficiencies...
IN anycase, Good work man...
How long did you veg them for ?im growing blueberry i do not top,fim or lst and i get good yields each time never less than 4oz a plant best so far 6.5oz.
heres a couple of my untouched vegging bb's and also a untouched bb that yielded 5oz.