Growing 3 sativas and 2 indicas in 0.4m. Need innovations.


Greetings, i am at my second grow. (first grow: Arjan's Haze #3, beautiful sativa, a bit stretchy with a very nice brain buzz while smoked).
For my 2nd grow, i got my hands on a seed pack mix and germinated all of them (5) in an improvised incubator. Due to a difficult time served while in transit, i was certain that few seeds will actually germinate. For my horror (and pleasant surprise), all of them popped out in ~12 hours. Now i am facing the posibility of growing all of them at once, since i cannot remove any of them nor improvise a second grow-room (to keep some of them in vegetative state).

2 x Arjan's Ultra Haze (sativa)
1 x Jack Herer (sativa)
1 x White Widow (indica)
1 x Northern Lights (indica)

1x 150W MH
1x 150W HPS (as a backup)
1x 250W HPS
2x CFL 23W @ 6400K
1x CFL 45W @ 6400K

Grow room:
- 0.4 square meters / 0.53 cubic meters dressed in myla
(h: 135cm, l: 53cm, L: 75cm). Almost sealed.
- Cooltube (home-made)
- BioBizz: BioGrow (veg), BioBloom(flower) and FishMix used as foliar spray once every 2 weeks
- other required accessories: pH meter(in-soil probe and water tester), temperature and humidity tester.

What i want from you is a ultimate plan to grow all the plants in 0.4 sqm. What i am thinking of:
1. small pots so they wont stretch too long (especially for the 3 sativas)
2. foliar spraying once a week (BioBizz: FishMix OR molasses) to mature the leaves - during the vegetative state
3. LST
4. topping
5. clone them as much as i can and make a SoG

Any radical thought or plan will be much appreciated.




Well-Known Member
heres a radical thought move house get a bigger grow room lol. on a serious note get 5 pots that will fill your floor space or 1 big tray and segrogate into 5 and hope for the best unless you got space to make bigger box


Yea, you dont want to crowd your plants and have them all fail. You have a nice size space for 5 maybe 6 plants and if you treat them right you should have a great harvest. I don't know where you are located but if it is legal for you to grow you can probably sell the rest of your plants and make some extra cash.

On another note, I have a question for you, was your last grow indoor as well? If so do you remember how your sativa flowered as far as when it started having mostly orange hairs? My has been flowering for about a month, a friend gave it to me last week, and it is already almost covered in orange hairs even though I should have at last 8 weeks left.


Well-Known Member
some pics of the plant would be a great help what strain is it ? orangey brown hairs are normally a sign of maturity but some strains turn then start filling out...