im growing a seed from most likely mexico and its been in flowering for two weeks now and no sign is it possible that its a autoflower since they probably just plant seed from the plants they grew the year before and since they all have the same genetics for such a long time that its just used to veggin for however long it normaly does before flowering?
i switched to 12/12 after 3 1/2 weeks and it was at 6 nodes. now it is at 10 going on 11
You mean you're growing some seed from a bag of schwag, that you assume (probably correctly) is Mexican, yes?
Since its cheap seedy stuff, almost by definition there is no chance that its an autoflowering strain. Emprically, since you say its got 11 nodes, its not auto-flowering.
I don't really know how the Mexican growers do it, but the plants in question may have simply sprung up from seeds that fell off of last years crop. That's the natural life cycle of outdoor cannabis plants.
Yeah, 3.5 weeks was probably a bit too early. You really do need to wait until you start seeing the "pre-flowers" at the nodes to start flowering. One clue is that when the leaves on the nodes start to come up alternating (instead of in opposite pairs) you're getting closer.