Growing at home. Worried about smell.

I’m gonna figure out space at my band spot and move it there. What’s a couple extra lights and a fan. I can just fine it so whenever we have practice the lights are off in the box to lighten the load. I just need to make this box blend in like the other.
Do you have anything on u tube we can listen too?
Your saving money! And have a new interesting hobby! She should be fine with it......just do what you do and if she has crap then remind her she said yes......
Your saving money! And have a new interesting hobby! She should be fine with it......just do what you do and if she has crap then remind her she said yes......
Lol. I already moved it to the band spot. Gonna go buy some acoustic sound blocking foam pads from guitar center and make it look like some sound diffusing thing. My other box looks like a giant packaging cardboard box so I need to make the new one different.
I live across the Sound from you Long Island NY and I’m also growing illegally. I live between to cops actually But I built a little 7x7x7 room out of 2x4’s put up insulation foam sheets plus have panda film up over that On inside of room. I run an air cooled 600w mh/hps. I have a 8 inch booster fan with 8’ to 6’ adapters on both sides 1 goes to a 6’ phresh carbon filter other side pushing through hood and out room from pre made holes and out my basement window. I also have a 4’ booster fan 200 cfm with a hepa filter for I take set on temp controller in winter. During Sumer I turned a window ac into a little box and the 4’ Connects to a piece I made to vent the cold air into room w/o smell issues also set on temp controller. But I’ve never had an issue with smell and people are clueless what I do down there. Got 3 photo periods (Green Gelato,Gorilla cookies and Wedding Cake And I’ve been throwing in 2-3 autos lately for the fuck of it so I have the photos and my NL auto,critical orange punch and strawberry cheesecake so it’s prittey stinky in the room. Ow and to enter my room I used adhesive Velcro and a pull handle I rigged to back of panda film so when I leave room I just pull it and piece goes right back to tight and a little thin piece of ply wood like the thinnest you can buy that shuts with a little latch
I feel like a crappy husband now tho thanks guys...
Not a crappy husband man you gotta just go about your daily business. My fiancé hated the smell and all I hear is you can’t control the smell with anything. False I have a room in my basement I made fiancé knows but said if smell is bad it’s gotta go. I dry, trim and do my chores in the room and you have NO clue the plants are there. I highly recommend saving some money and investing in the black Opp carbon filter literally I run some Danny ass smelling strains and not once have you ever smelled my plants if you didn’t know. Now when I leave room my clothes stank lmao. But your not a bad husband it took me awhile warming up the wife to this with all the legalization going on and medical reporting on how awesome the medicine is for us she cane around. I’m across the L.I Sound from you but your not a bad husband keep growing
Not a crappy husband man you gotta just go about your daily business. My fiancé hated the smell and all I hear is you can’t control the smell with anything. False I have a room in my basement I made fiancé knows but said if smell is bad it’s gotta go. I dry, trim and do my chores in the room and you have NO clue the plants are there. I highly recommend saving some money and investing in the black Opp carbon filter literally I run some Danny ass smelling strains and not once have you ever smelled my plants if you didn’t know. Now when I leave room my clothes stank lmao. But your not a bad husband it took me awhile warming up the wife to this with all the legalization going on and medical reporting on how awesome the medicine is for us she cane around. I’m across the L.I Sound from you but your not a bad husband keep growing
For now I’m keeping both grows at the band room. If we end up parting ways (the band) and no longer have a spot I would then start to bring up the conversation with her about growing at home. I would be going back to one plant tho if I grew at home. Mainly because of space but two would smell more than one.
I've been married over 50 years. Wife doesn't smoke. Or drink. Nor do I drink. She would know if I grew. So I told her. Almost 10 years later no big deal. But I am in a non legal state. Never tell anyone. Except your wife.
I've been married over 50 years. Wife doesn't smoke. Or drink. Nor do I drink. She would know if I grew. So I told her. Almost 10 years later no big deal. But I am in a non legal state. Never tell anyone. Except your wife.
I here you man ow and I highly hiiiiggghhhly recommend the Earth Care Odor eliminator bags I have a 7x7x7 room I hand 4 probably don’t even need that many over kill but hey it works. They have no effect on plants they don’t admit fragrances completely 100% safe I can open my door to room and you don’t smell the plants until you literally a foot away from them nose wise. When humidity is very high which if you keep that under control it smells like you took a small quick puff off a bowl lol..I even put 1 at the end of my exhaust duct right at end before the cover on outside of window aaand I have 1 inside my carbon filter itself. Cool thing is the last for a solid 6 months and to re new them all you do is go outside in sun bag the bag around I pour water and shake and let sun dry it out until it’s 100% dry and your good to go. Hang them inside by plants up in corners bags have these rocks that absorb the odor cells like magnests the rocks inside are already charged so there awesome good luck with everything it will work itself trust me!!
I here you man ow and I highly hiiiiggghhhly recommend the Earth Care Odor eliminator bags I have a 7x7x7 room I hand 4 probably don’t even need that many over kill but hey it works. They have no effect on plants they don’t admit fragrances completely 100% safe I can open my door to room and you don’t smell the plants until you literally a foot away from them nose wise. When humidity is very high which if you keep that under control it smells like you took a small quick puff off a bowl lol..I even put 1 at the end of my exhaust duct right at end before the cover on outside of window aaand I have 1 inside my carbon filter itself. Cool thing is the last for a solid 6 months and to re new them all you do is go outside in sun bag the bag around I pour water and shake and let sun dry it out until it’s 100% dry and your good to go. Hang them inside by plants up in corners bags have these rocks that absorb the odor cells like magnests the rocks inside are already charged so there awesome good luck with everything it will work itself trust me!!
N sorry spell check on my iPhone is annoying and I’ll look and read what I sent and words are changed lmfao...u k ow what I mean ✌️ And stay medicated
Im pretty sure she would rather you grow it then buy it from sketch dealers. Safer to grow your own + she wouldnt mind the xtra $$$$$$ what do i know im single life
I have and had nothing else to hide from my wife in our time together BUT THIS. Knowing she knows that i enjoy smoking...she would tell me to get rid of it. Tho I would then argue the money Ive been able to save. LOL
If you harvest more than you require, flick the rest off and show her the $. She might change her mind then!? Lol.
My wife was against it until she saw the $ and the passion I had for it! Lol.
Yea my fiancé realized my passion for it and how it actually helps me with gardening in general with my landscaping business lol. She also agreed it’s safer then buying it from people and have no clue where it came from or grown. Icing on the cake was a few kids from my county died from a dude who had sprinkled Feytinal that shits lethal and when kids were breaking it up it absorbed through finger tips pores and then when smoked they actually overdosed idk if smoking it does anything but I know skin contact is bad cops wear bio hazard suits when it’s discovered. So my fiancé is all about me growing my own shit now and likes the $$$ it generates. Believe me they legalize it I’m for damn sure going to run a ligit farm lol and I’ll have the wife helping
They aint cool with it, until they see the stacks you bring in...
Idk why everyone assumes I would be selling. It’s all for personal use. If I started to sell my homegrown that would make me a drug dealer which would up my risk of getting caught even more. I grow to save my own money by not needing to buy weed.