Growing at parents


their house, their charges.... unless you are over 18, and rent a room from them, then they can get out of it on a technicallity.... dont grow in someone else's house/property without their permission.... just fucked up to put them at risk.


Well-Known Member
if your parents don't actually give you permission then it's really disrespectful to grow in their house, specially if you're living there for free and all that.
why not go for an outdoor guerilla grow?

whether they'd get trouble for your grow depends on where you are (country/state) and a few other things...
i'd avoid it altogether though man, it's bad ju-ju


It's a house I built myself on the property, sortve like an apartment.

well in that case.... I think they would not be held accountable for that, as long as it is indoors and they have no access to the domicile in question...


Hmm you guys make me feel terrible about that idea. I guess its off to the forests I AM!

Still yet, be conscious of where you are growing.... not on their property, but if it has to be on someones else's property, make sure it is somewhere damn near abandoned that could not be pointed to the owners in any way..... meaning dont go sneaking into the back of your neighbors property growing dope in their woods ;)

good luck to you on the outdoor bro... guerrilla growing is ALOT harder/more work than many people realize.....

If i were you, I would look into your states laws..... if you are in a seperate house/building on their property, you should be able to easily make sure that they are not held responsible for your doings.... it is a separate building, and as long as it is YOUR personal space, that they do not have access to, it should be okay...

I would look into that, as indoor is alot easier, can be done year round, and ensures security a good bit better than outdoor does.:leaf: