Growing Auto Seeds Berry Ryder!


Well-Known Member
Good job Osinga! That Berry Ryder is coming along nicely man. Those nug shots were just mouth watering homie lol. Anyway keep up the greenthumb work.


Ive started with mg moisture control soil which I know ppl say stay away from but I have had nothing but luck. Due to that I don't use nutes during veg. The soil has enough. Once flower started I use superbloom. Not organic so if you are trying to stay organic don't use it. Started 1/2 strength and after a week full every other day. I did that for 2 weeks and now I go with a mix of half strength superbloom and full strength snow storm ultra. I have no nute burn issues or ph issues. She seems to love the mix.


Active Member
whats the NPK on those im using fox farm trio and its my first grow kinda sketchin about getting nute burn i did a half strength feed of big bloom and tiger bloom seems to be holding up but i did notice bit of discolouring on the very bottom leaves it hasnt seem to get any worse tho and idk if i should keep on with the nutes or hold of for another water


Well-Known Member

Here you go guys! Susie is leaning towards the Sativa side hint the skinny leaves. Q I feel is leaning towards Indica hint the fatter leaves. Enjoy guys and don't be a stranger and tell me some cool shit.


Well-Known Member
Sweet dude, looking good!

I agree with Q looking indica dom..Susie looks like a solid combo of indica and sativa hey, probably wont show it's full sativa dominance until a bit further in if it is :)


Well-Known Member
Sweet dude, looking good!

I agree with Q looking indica dom..Susie looks like a solid combo of indica and sativa hey, probably wont show it's full sativa dominance until a bit further in if it is :)
yea man I agree, Should be interesting to see what kind of smoke they produce!


Well-Known Member
Absolutely man, should get almost 2 completely different smokes out of it too, are you going to take cuttings of each one so you have the best one for next time or you thinking of going from seed?

And no probs with the rep man, you're doing a great job so you deserve it :)


Well-Known Member
Well man i don't think I'm gonna clone strains I want to grow as many different strains as possible If there's anything we learn in life is that we don't live forever and to take everyday as your last. Hows your plants going now man? You should be near a harvest soon if I'm guessing correctly.


Well-Known Member
Yeah that's very true man, may as well live life today rather than wait till tomorrow that may never come!!

Haha nah bro, my sugar haze is stiiiiillll going and will be for some time, she's outside and i've been told by the breeder that the pheno i have is a 14 weeker, so she has a bit to go!

I have however got my journal up and going if you want to check it out :D
hell yea man, I'm subbing! A 14 weeker should bring out some bomb smoke man.