Growing autos organically on super soil


New Member
I am going to carry out in a couple of weeks a 100% organic, autoflower-only grow.

Earlier this year (February), I prepared an organic super social recipe, which I intended to use with photoperiod varieties priorly. The soil has been "cooking"since then.

Well, the thing is - many folks say that autoflowers are supposedly frugal, therefore sensitive to overfert and too "hot" organic soils. I don't know if this will be true in my case since I will be planting big autos (dutch passion ultimate autos), and big plants consume more nutes (as opposed to the earlier small autos). But, should I take any extra precautions anyway? Maybe just filling half of the pots (30L) with my super soil and then filling the rest with a tuned-down version of it (e.g., “diluted” in half strenght, with perlite and coco coir which are inert). Thanks a lot!
Bro im attempting the exact same thing, was also wondering if the living soil nutes may be a bit overbearing for my autos. I was just gonna water only for the first 2 weeks, then do liquid seaweed foilage spray and eventually into some composte teas and maybe some high phosphorus bat guano for flower. Iv got a few of the same seeds so ima try to keep a grow diary while giving them different levels of nutes too see how they react, so i know in future what the optimal amount of nutes could be and where i could possibly push it futher. Are u gonna do top dresses or composte teas or anything? I wasnt too sure about mixing the living soil and coir at a certain ratio as u suggested so id also like to know if that works xD
I think my mixture is already hot enough, so I am not planning any more nutes for now. I am using a recipe by myself, based on Everest Fernandez' super soil, but with some adaptations since I cannot find all ingredients here in Brazil.

It goes like this (don't ask me for imperial or US units LOL, I have absolutely no idea)


30% sphagnum
20% coco coir
25% perlite
15% composted manure
10% worm casings


Bat guano (5g/L)
Dolomitic limestone (1.5g/L)
bone meal (3g/L)
Blood meal (0,5gL)
Powdered basalt (0,5g/L)
Powdered organic seaweed (0,5g/L)
Sulfato de potássio da marca "Yara" (1,5g/L)
potassium sulfate (0,5g/L)
Native atlantic forest mycorrizhae
Iv herd some super soils easily burn autos, ppl have suggested only using the super soil as the very bottom layer of the pot so its rdy to be accessed by the plant during its flower cycle, im undecided as to what to have as the layer on top, im assuming normal soil ? Dno if a canna coir layer would work with super soil at the bottom.
I am thinking of maybe "diluting" the soil for the upper half of my pots (25% my super soil mix + 75% coco coir and perlite)

There is something that doesn't add up regarding the supposed frugality of autoflowers: as older autos are smaller, they indeed tend to be frugal, but big and fast-growing plants (of any species) tend to be hungry
I grew my baby with organic worm castings, bone meal, blood meal, and other organic minerals mixed thoroughly at planting. This is how she’s thrived currently today. Day 46 of grow with a simple 90w grow light with supporting 60w equivalent LED. She’s about 67cm tall.


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I grew my baby with organic worm castings, bone meal, blood meal, and other organic minerals mixed thoroughly at planting. This is how she’s thrived currently today. Day 46 of grow with a simple 90w grow light with supporting 60w equivalent LED. She’s about 67cm tall.
And didn't you get any nute burn/delayed growth issues?