I've been doing plant at a time under a 400hps. They're vegged around 2 months, topped, bushed, supercropped, lst'd, etc. They're big bushes basically. I'm harvesting my best yield yet but it's ridiculously tedious with all the popcorn buds. Some of them are pretty decent but I'm too busy to trim them all so I'm just concentrating on the bigger colas.
How do I minimize this next round? Lower trimming before i start flowering? The leafs are so tight and bushy that light can't get that far down. These plants leaves are very densely bunched, but tons of cola spots everywhere on top and throughout the bottom.
Basically looking for tips to maximize my yield on big plants and minimize popcorn buds.
Thanks!!!!! : )
How do I minimize this next round? Lower trimming before i start flowering? The leafs are so tight and bushy that light can't get that far down. These plants leaves are very densely bunched, but tons of cola spots everywhere on top and throughout the bottom.
Basically looking for tips to maximize my yield on big plants and minimize popcorn buds.
Thanks!!!!! : )