Growing bud and your significant other


Well-Known Member
Ok so I know I have had a lot "wife" related threads but right now we are doing better and something in my head has just kinda clicked and made me happier. We have more sex and it doesn't feel like I am going to have to pay her afterwards.

Anyways the other night after an episode of weeds (her favorite show) I brought up wanting to grow. In the past she had talked about how she didn't want anything illegal in the house and how if her brother (a recovering adict) or her sister (a sweet, innocent "you have DRUGS, I am telling the police" type) found the plants she would die.

I explained that she wouldn't even be able to find them and that no one is going to get caught because its not like I am turning an entire bedroom into a grow house. She still didn't like the idea so I explained that this was an issue that I felt strongly about and she needed to think about it.

She finally said she didn't mind as long as no one ever found the plants and I didn't just swap booze for pot (was a 2 or 3 case a week guy in the past.) I had fully planned on "putting my foot down" (something I have only ever done on one other issue...EVER) and telling her this is how its going to be, period. Now I am in this marriage 50/50 but sometimes things are important and you have to just say "look I know you don't like this but it doesn't effect you and I feel strongly about it".

My question is, do and of you have significant others who don't smoke or don't like the idea of your grow?


Well-Known Member
dude my GF hates pot and hates the fact that i grow. but since i do it on a property that i am in control of and because she never goes there i can still do it.

pot is the only thing we fight about literally only thing. the way i see it; its something she dosent and never will understand so i have to keep it secret and such. but its not that bad because if i didnt have her i would do it alot and i have a realy hard undergrad major and may get lazy

honestly it helps with my ADD when used infrequently


Well-Known Member
im with my girlfriend 2 and a half years. known eachother for ten and have been together on and off for all that time, i used to smoke but dont anymore. i grow she smokes. my grow tent is in our bedroom, we get on fantastically and are truly " in love ".


Well-Known Member
my girl wasnt ok with it at first but then was like hell yeah considering it cost more to go out and buy the amount i need to just letting the shit grow and have however much i wanna make.


Well-Known Member
once i started its nothing to her now. she doesnt mess wit it cuz if anything gets fucked up i will blame it on her thats why i am the only one to watch them progress


Active Member
I've been with my wife for 8 years now. We used to smoke together frequently but since we've had 2 boys, she feels it immature and I should grow up. She quit, I didn't. I have my first outdoor grow nearing completion now, and she hates it ( maybe cause lately I've been paying more attention to my mistress then her ) but at this point there is no way I'm getting rid of it. It was an accidental grow and she knew about it when it was about 3" tall ( she even went as far as to "accidently" step on it. ) Fortunately, it was a hardy lil bastard and I should be reaping the benefits soon.

I can see the point of disagreeing with growing for legal purposes, especially if you have a family, but you need to make sure if you do this you have some support from her. You really don't want to fuck up your home life for something so trivial. It's obvious everyone here loves the bud, but nothing is worth the grief you endure of a woman scorned by going against her wishes.

My .02 cents, and gl bro.


Active Member
My ex-girlfriend doesn't smoke and wasn't too keen on me smoking. When I first expressed an interest in growing, she told me that I wasn't allowed to. I have to say I'm stubborn to a fault, so I took this as a challenge. I never said anything else on the subject, I just went ahead and did it. It was my way of saying "Fuck you I won't obey you!!!" I had my grow set up within the month. I will admit I was being a tad childish tho


Well-Known Member
ya same here when i metioned i wanted to grow she said NO
I said just in the closet i wont grow alot just enough for us she said i can after a few weeks of com on babe please lol she gave in so now im growing my first time kinda fucked em up but in my opionion glad i did cause i got em back and there healthy and strong so i learned from my mistake and well any way off subject any ways she said no i said yes no im growing lol she dont care she dont even ever look at it or go near them i try to show her and she gets a little annoyed cause i am always like hey look at this i hope this there getting big im always talking about them I LOVE MY NEW HOBBIE LOL GOOD LUCK BRO


Well-Known Member
i just told my old lady about my stealth grow, week 6 flowering, she was quite surprised and happy at the same


Junior Creatologist
I had fully planned on "putting my foot down" (something I have only ever done on one other issue...EVER)

....yeh dude, i wont let my girl stick her finger in my ass neither. Theres a line that you just dont wanna cross man, n THAT SHIT is it, lol.


Junior Creatologist
n yeh, my wife was the same at first, she was a little leary. it didnt take much convincing though - turns out shes just as interested as i am, n shes makin me teach her how to grow as i go along, so if i ever go to jail, she can get things goin again while im gone, so when i come back i can pick right back up where i left off. Aint love grand?? :D:D


Well-Known Member
wow, lots of anti stoner significant others.

definitely not the case here.

she is my puzzle piece
she blows gnarly O's
can cooks and cleans

she makes me smitten.


Junior Creatologist
I got me a stoner wifey dude, but she was sketchy at first about growing. Thats understandable though, cuz shes always the more cautious one of the two of us. Wifey can smoke with the best of them man - When we went out to Amsterdam for our honeymoon, this one day we probably hit up like 10 or 15 coffeeshops in one day, n by the end of the day we hit up 420 cafe, n picked up some of their space cake (which is the BOMB by the way, id say the best spacecake i ate the entire trip!!). So we got back to the telly after munchin down a slice a piece, n like an hour later man, my eyes were rolled into the back of my head. i had couch/bed/sittin on my ass/lock bad as fuck man. I look over n shes chowin down on another fuckin piece man - n one piece is all you need, seriously. i dont care how badass of a smoker you think you are, one piece of this shit will FUCK-YOU-UP. Ive had plenty of gooballs, n other edibles, but this shit was off the god damn hook.

She was just sittin there, munchin it down, like it aint shit. :D


Active Member
I was completly stressed out a few years ago when someone advised me to light up, rather than start drinking again. I havent had a drink is 21 years. Wife didnt mind as I just smoke a bit before I go to bed. Now I grow, she still doesnt mind, hates the smell though. I think of of the reasons she is ok with it is because a friend at work recently told her that she smokes nightly. This other woman is a PTA type mom, so it makes it easier for the wife to be cool with it. Then again, wife didnt know me when i was drinking and I dont think she wants to find out why I quit.


Well-Known Member
i have been with my gf for 1 yr so far and i was the first person to smoke her up , she knows i smoke and is fine with it b.c. she knows i can control it , she and i smoke up 1ce a week or so togehter she loves it and sex isd always better


Well-Known Member
n yeh, my wife was the same at first, she was a little leary. it didnt take much convincing though - turns out shes just as interested as i am, n shes makin me teach her how to grow as i go along, so if i ever go to jail, she can get things goin again while im gone, so when i come back i can pick right back up where i left off. Aint love grand?? :D:D
that's good shit right there K1, my ol lady shoo now since my whole fiasco n shit.

Don't get tore-off though K1:bigjoint:


stays relevant.
my lady is my partner is all activities... if she decided we shouldn't grow, i would have to stop. it's called respect and loyalty. fortunately, she enjoys cooking cannabis, making hash, and rolling joints... so as long as I like to eat, and smoke- she's fine with me growing. :)