growing buds quicker


Active Member
what can i do to get my buds to grow quicker they are out side and 3 months old and the plant is about 400 mm high any help would be appreciated.

Doobie Doo

Well-Known Member
400 mm is 15.5 inches for three months that is not much growth. What kind of lighting are you using? Have you switched to flowering stage?


Active Member
just the sun this was just a trial to see how it went thats all. The bloom stuff is that expensive. How can i tell if its flowering. Thanks for the help

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
if ur growing outside its gonna be months b4 they start flowering ,the only way i have read about (im not an out door grower so dont quote me on this )is to cover the plant for 12 hours a day to give it complete darkness but then you will allso need 12 hours of sunlight a day ,so im not sure if you can do that yet ?


Well-Known Member
I've Been Hearing Alot Of Talk About Whether Or Not A.n. Actually Make That Much Of A Difference, So Do You Think Advanced Nutrients Are Really Worth The Money?

I Only Ask Cause I'm Trying To Decide If I Would Rather Go With A.n. Or Regular Shit!


Active Member
if you give them a little more dark time by covering them with a cover or sheet maybe about 30 mins for a week. then 30 more for a total of 1 hour it will make your buds ripen faster.