Growing cannabis/weed in decent backyard dirt. CFL grow


First grow, made this grow journal to help others out for if i succeed or even fail.
i would appreciate any help with this grow i can get.
i currently do not know what the ph is but i do know it is around 5.5 to 6.5 .
Temp in my room is around 70 to 80.
3 CFL bulbs within 3 inches from plants 14w
double plant and aquarium f40t12 40 watt light tubes 4 inchs to the left of plants so these lights are not directly
on the plants but still getting some of their light.
11 day old plant.
i water every 2-4 days or till soil looks dry.


Joe Blows Trees

Well-Known Member
Backyard dirt .........interesting. Heard that wasn't a good idea due to unknown pathogens. Will be checking in on this grow and GL! bongsmilie


Thanks, i'd baked the soil in the oven for 30 or so minutes at 275 degrees, i'm sure the heat killed most if not all of what could of been in it, beforehand i spread the soil out to see if there were any roots or bugs. ill be posting updated pictures frequently to keep everyone up to date with this journal.


Day 14 for plant One
Day 5 for plant Two
plant one's stem was bent on day 5 after her container fell on top of her when the container fell,but
luckily she made a great recovery,but she is a little behind from the injury. thankfully this injury gave her a stronger stem and more root growth, i will be transplanting her within the next few days to some top soil because her cotyledons are turning into a light greenish hue, to give her more space, i will be putting her into a regular size pot.
i also have 2 new 23w=100w bulbs inches away with a fan on them



Day 20 for plant two and day 30 for plant 1
the bigger plant is the younger one,plant one is stunted and has brown spots all over her,not much growth and if there is its like miniature growth,any tips for her to get back on her feet would be great.

plant two will be transplanted once shes root bound,i can already smell a little bit of a skunky scent even though she's not even a month old yet. looks like shes got more indica in her than sativa.i removed the cotyledons on both plants and i removed the first set of true leaves on plant two (the yellow ones in pic 3) because they were just hanging there brown and brittle.



New Member
i use the same light sockets, I used to grow with cfls, sadly the most I've yielded is half an oz off of 2 plants with 100 watts cfl. I'm giving it a second shot with LED's, i;ve grown leaf alot but never got to bud except for that one time because mostly I make seeds and breed them.


New Member
you should go with those 42 watt cfl at least 6 of them if u want to get good bud, lor 50 watt