Growing differences between HPS and LED?

Oh for fucks sake...

It's fucking lime. You mix it in with your soil. That's it. You're done. It dissolves slowly as you water.

If you're already growing, you can put some in a container of water and dissolve it and pour it in. Or you can sprinkle it across the top of the soil. Or both.

It's basically a solid form of cal-mag only much, much cheaper.

But stay with cal-mag if you enjoy blowing a shit ton of money when you don't have to.
Right here dissolve it in water. Fucking moron

Cal-mag is for hydro only. You don't need cal-mag in soil I've stated that CLEARLY from the word go you idiot.
Cal mag will work in soil too... Lmao
Cal mag will work in soil too... Lmao

Yes, it will. WHICH I'VE ALSO CLEARLY STATED. The reason it's so much more expensive it because it was engineered for hydroponics. Nobody with a brain uses it in soil because there's lime, which is a fraction of the price and works every bit as good.

The entire reason cal-mag was created was to be a lime substitute in hydroponic systems.

So go ahead and stick with your beloved cal-mag and waste your money. You obviously have far more money than sense.
Yes, it will. WHICH I'VE ALSO CLEARLY STATED. The reason it's so much more expensive it because it was engineered for hydroponics. Nobody with a brain uses it in soil because there's lime, which is a fraction of the price and works every bit as good.

The entire reason cal-mag was created was to be a lime substitute in hydroponic systems.

So go ahead and stick with your beloved cal-mag and waste your money. You obviously have far more money than sense.
Dude you obviously are not getting it. With an immediate need he is probably better off using cal mag and amending his soil for the future. I'm not saying you are wrong but for some reason I'm an idiot and you can't seem to hold you temper. Just go off over a legit question like a mad man. Not sure what your problem is but I in no way was trying to be disrespectful until you felt the need to throw out insults and start name calling over a question
Dude you obviously are not getting it. With an immediate need he is probably better off using cal mag and amending his soil for the future.

No, he's not.

This is soil, not hydro. The water isn't the medium, the soil is. It doesn't work anywhere near the same way. He'd actually be just as well off mixing a few tablespoons of lime in a half gallon of water and adding that. It will be absorbed at about the same rate, only the lime will last a lot longer and will continuously feed the soil for the foreseeable future.

It's not going to make much of a difference either way.
No, he's not.

This is soil, not hydro. The water isn't the medium, the soil is. It doesn't work anywhere near the same way. He'd actually be just as well off mixing a few tablespoons of lime in a half gallon of water and adding that. It will be absorbed at about the same rate, only the lime will last a lot longer and will continuously feed the soil for the foreseeable future.

It's not going to make much of a difference either way.
No point having a discussion with you. Can't even handle a legit question without spazzing out like a 4 yr old having a tantrum over ice cream. Again I'm not saying you are wrong I was asking a question. And you contradict yourself in every other post
And you contradict yourself in every other post

No, I didn't.

You have no reading comprehension and no idea what you're talking about. This will be my last post on the matter:

You think soil and hydroponics works the same way so your beloved cal-mag will work instantly. It doesn't. At all.

Cal-mag is literally 1000 times WEAKER than lime. The reason for that is that water is the medium in hydroponics and that medium is sprayed or soaked DIRECTLY on the roots.

Soil doesn't work that way. In soil, the nutrients are absorbed largely by the soil and then slowly extracted over time by the roots.

Cal-mag in soil is throwing good money after bad because it's simply far too weak to really make a difference in the short term, and over the long haul it's so under powered that it will cost you a small fortune to maintain appropriate calcium and magnesium levels in the soil, especially in late flower.

That's all there is to it. It can't be explained any more clearly than that.

So again, good luck. With your attitude, you're going to need it.
No, I didn't.

You have no reading comprehension and no idea what you're talking about. This will be my last post on the matter:

You think soil and hydroponics works the same way so your beloved cal-mag will work instantly. It doesn't. At all.

Cal-mag is literally 1000 times WEAKER than lime. The reason for that is that water is the medium in hydroponics and that medium is sprayed or soaked DIRECTLY on the roots.

Soil doesn't work that way. In soil, the nutrients are absorbed largely by the soil and then slowly extracted over time by the roots.

Cal-mag in soil is throwing good money after bad because it's simply far too weak to really make a difference in the short term, and over the long haul it's so under powered that it will cost you a small fortune to maintain appropriate calcium and magnesium levels in the soil, especially in late flower.

That's all there is to it. It can't be explained any more clearly than that.

So again, good luck. With your attitude, you're going to need it.
Yep my attitude... I guess asking a question is unacceptable. Read your post you claim it can be dissolved then you say you never said that. Then claim cal mag is ONLY for hydro then claim it can be used for both.

I never claimed soil and hydro are the same and even stated that's why I asked the question.

Your making arguments about claims I did not make. Typical for someone just trying to be right.

Are you saying that somehow roots work differently in soil than in hydro? They do not. Which was why my question was asked if nutrients are available they can be taken up by the roots. Some nutrient sources need to be broken down or as you say absorbed by the soil :/ before being available for uptake by the plants.

Good day sir
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So.......if there is anyone else out there that does not have concern of my finances or doesn't want to argue over things that are not to point of my thread.......and can offer me some help....that would be cool.

All I am freaking trying to figure out I have a cal or mag deficiency......and if much does it take to not over do it? I do not want to create another problem.

At this point....I will slightly increase the normal dose I had been using daily....then not skip a day and see what happens.
Gezuz, hijacked by a dick measuring contest. Tough break, @LabPong .

I think you're obsessing over this a bit. Give it a dose of calmag (yes, it works fine for soil) and you'll probably be good. For the record, lime is not the right solution to address a deficiency due to it's slow release. Put it on your garden in the fall and it'll be available in the spring, but certainly not immediately.
Yeah again sorry OP was just trying to get the info that @graying.geek just gave. I was pretty sure that was the case

Yeah, I thought your question was perfectly reasonable. I think the problem precipitated from your antagonist not knowing the correct meaning of: "availability", but still not sure why he went south on you so fast. That time of the month, perhaps.
So.......if there is anyone else out there that does not have concern of my finances or doesn't want to argue over things that are not to point of my thread.......and can offer me some help....that would be cool.

All I am freaking trying to figure out I have a cal or mag deficiency......and if much does it take to not over do it? I do not want to create another problem.

At this point....I will slightly increase the normal dose I had been using daily....then not skip a day and see what happens.
I only skimmed.
Seen this many times.
To many different nutes added that were not necessary or the soil is being kept to wet are common issues looking at your list of nutes.
The random brown spots on your leaves look like calcium is deficient in the leaves.
It often happens to growers who keep the soil to wet causing a low PH causing calcium to be locked out.
Aqua Man..your was only the taco truck that rolled in causing all the commotion.

Thanks guys for adding to my I said I had been using cal/mag already but only had dropped off the dosage in the last week. I wish I would of seen this when it first started, in fact I can't believe I did not before yesterday. I am guessing this may have only visually surfaced recently.....within a week or so maybe?

I could not judge my nutrient levels for being too strong for the plants, they do not show much if at all any burn in the tips. I don't go crazy and use the full amount FF says ever. I just try to feed lighter strengths more often as the LED's cause the plants to be quite thirsty compared to HPS lighting setup. I normally feed every 2nd or 3rd day and water in between.

This plant that shows the issue is only in a 2.5 gal not sure it really stays wet much. So I will just continue to watch and hope it does not spread to more fan leaves or bud leaves.

Oh...also one other thing I forgot to ask. About PH'ing. I PH my water to about 6.5 and then add nutes....I only add the cal/mag in seconds before the plants get wet. I try to keep it mixed well as the cal/mag is so viscous.

So should I be checking the PH of my feed solution and not just the water use prior? I do not have a PPM meter yet...guessing I need to get one?
Aqua Man..your was only the taco truck that rolled in causing all the commotion.

Thanks guys for adding to my I said I had been using cal/mag already but only had dropped off the dosage in the last week. I wish I would of seen this when it first started, in fact I can't believe I did not before yesterday. I am guessing this may have only visually surfaced recently.....within a week or so maybe?

I could not judge my nutrient levels for being too strong for the plants, they do not show much if at all any burn in the tips. I don't go crazy and use the full amount FF says ever. I just try to feed lighter strengths more often as the LED's cause the plants to be quite thirsty compared to HPS lighting setup. I normally feed every 2nd or 3rd day and water in between.

This plant that shows the issue is only in a 2.5 gal not sure it really stays wet much. So I will just continue to watch and hope it does not spread to more fan leaves or bud leaves.

Oh...also one other thing I forgot to ask. About PH'ing. I PH my water to about 6.5 and then add nutes....I only add the cal/mag in seconds before the plants get wet. I try to keep it mixed well as the cal/mag is so viscous.

So should I be checking the PH of my feed solution and not just the water use prior? I do not have a PPM meter yet...guessing I need to get one?
Ppm meter would help keep track of things a little easier.

Add your cal mag then nutes then ph the water. If you are adding silica then add that first.
TBH I just completed my first run with a cob setup and I didn't notice any real need to change up the feed compared to what I am giving my plants in peat based mix similar to sunshine or promix.
Ppm meter would help keep track of things a little easier.

Add your cal mag then nutes then ph the water. If you are adding silica then add that first.

Im not using silica.....but read up on it and see it is highly beneficial..especially for hydro grows. (thanks for putting it on my radar).

Here is how I have been mixing my nutes/feed solution.

Water in gallon jugs and PH'd.
I mix in the bloom enhancing crystals (FF) and shake up first to mix well.
Then I add thrive, normal 2-3 parts from FF, then some kelp, and budda bloom flower enhancer.

Are you saying I should mix up cal/mag in the water then nutes....and then ph the whole solution? I know the nutes change the ph to go lower.