Growing Ditchweed Seeds?


Active Member
I've been researching how to grow marijuana for months, and I've noticed this huge patch of ditchweed, with a dozen or more plants. It's too late to save the females from all of the males, but I've been thinking I can harvest some of the seeds and grow three outdoors. I will sex them and grow the female. The only thing is is that I'm wondering if it's even worth it to grow the ditchweed seeds, even with a lot of fertalization and watering. And if so, how can I harvest the mature seeds, and what month do I grow them in?


Well-Known Member
may not be worth it, but you'll need to get the seeds from the buds when she's finishing flowering. it'll probably be too late to plant em outside, but ya never know. it depends on your weather and the strain. you could always grow em inside. we get to do that year-round!


Well-Known Member
if it is ditch weed it is most likely hemp and not worth smoking or growing to smoke. smoke some the female plant growing when its ripe if its good smoke keep the seeds and grow them next season. Peace


Active Member
Well, when the males pollinate the females (which I assume will happen soon, as the females aren't visibly flowering yet), seeds will be produced, and the bud will be bad no matter what. If I fertilize daily, already adding to the nutrients of the black, rich soil of my area, it may help the THC content a bit, I'd think.


Active Member
Well, I took some pictures of it, and posted it on another site, and someone said that they were beautiful, so I was wondering your thoughts.

Male flowers

The tallest female, pushing 7-8 feet.

The leaves, prob. a wild sativa.


Well-Known Member
Let it grow! Fuck it, you won't get that high, but who cares. It's a good learning experience. Once females are pollinated, they stop producing THC and put all their energy into making seeds.

I'd save the seeds cause they obviously weren't hermies or inter sexed plants. So you have a good chance of getting some females out of those seeds.



Active Member
I'm wondering about THC content, though. I know I'll get some females off of it for sure, it's just the properties of genetic probability. The only thing is is that I'm not too sure of is if in fact I let the females of my seed mature, and I make sure that they have plenty of nutrients and water, will it be worth it?