Growing Dwarfs 6-12" first time growing


Hey there! I'm growing for the first time and I wanna start with 2 dwarfs, they've already sprouted four days ago and are between 3-4" (secondary leaves ahoy!) they are very tall...i this a sign of sativa; can you tell this early? My main question is: I have an almost non-existent budget all I have on hand is dirt, water and multipurpose Miracle Grow... and 2 really hot, bright inset ceiling lights (the kind that is almost flat w/ a thick [glass?]coil of some sort inside). What would be the best possible way to grow in these perimeters? Be as detailed as as you can about every aspect! and remember i need the girls to be really small.

Please and thank you!


P.s. my favorite pink floyd song just came on as i has finishing this: "Goodbye Blue Sky" the melding of voice and instrument is spectacular in this song....


Well-Known Member
They're tall because you are not giving them enough light. They are growing UP looking for it. This is not a good thing. They will grow up skinny and fall over and die. :(
MJ is a VERY LIGHT HUNGRY plant. You can skimp in about every other area, but you NEED good lighting.
And a lot more knowledge. Start with the GrowFAQ. Good luck.


Well, the day after your post, one did go under. :sad: For the other one I raised the soil level and and put it outside b/c i just cant buy the right lights for this grow:wall:. when
it gets to the size I need it to be (6-12"), I've read that your supposed to keep it in he dark for 36hrs?!? To start flowering that is, is this true:?:


Well, the day after your post, one did go under. :sad: For the other one I raised the soil level and and put it outside b/c i just cant buy the right lights for this grow:wall:. I'll just use the sun for light, and bring it in at night in case it gets too cold. When it gets to the size I need it to be (6-12"), I've read that your supposed to keep it in he dark for 36hrs?!? To start flowering that is, is this true:?:

Love and Hugs, Nova )O( :peace:


Well-Known Member
Well, the day after your post, one did go under. :sad: For the other one I raised the soil level and and put it outside b/c i just cant buy the right lights for this grow:wall:. I'll just use the sun for light, and bring it in at night in case it gets too cold. When it gets to the size I need it to be (6-12"), I've read that your supposed to keep it in he dark for 36hrs?!? To start flowering that is, is this true:?:

Love and Hugs, Nova )O( :peace:
I know you're on a tight budget but check out the lighting section at walmart. You want to look for the compact florescent bulbs that say something like 'outside light'. The color temperature is 6500k and thats really what you're after. A pack of two 25w bulbs is around $7.50. You can buy socket adapters that plug into an electircal outlet and make it a light socket. So for $10.00 you can have two good bulbs and the two socket adapters.

Find a power strip around the house, line your growbox or cabinate with aluminium foil, and make sure you have an exhust fan. If you don't have a fan I recommend going to the local dump and see if they have electronics recycling. Help yourself to a computer and take the fan or fans out of that. To power up the fans all you need is a cell phone charger or any small adapter of that nature. Strip the ends of the wires on the PC fan and cut the end off the cell phone charger and strip those wires. Plug the other end into the wall and hook the wires up to the fan.

That is a pretty barebones grow guide so if you have questions I'll be happy to clarify stuff for you.

You're going so spend the next couple months growing a plant. If you give it better conditions your yeild and quality of the finished nugs will be much better. You can't just grow killer bud with an improper setup. You will end up very dissapointed. Borrow a few bucks from a friend and tell them you will give them some nug when youre done. $10-$15 is all you need to invest and you will end up having a finished crop faster and with much more yeild. If you can get more money together a timer is a nice investment. And you jight want to pick up 2 'soft white' (2700k) clf bulbs for flowering. I would do at least a month veg with the 6500k bulbs at 18/6 then switch to 12/12 to force flowering and swap bulbs then if you saved up for teh 2700k. Again 2 bulbs $7.00 +/-.50. Bum some cash, wash a car, do something and get a few bucks so you have the supplies to make the grow work. otherwise youre wasting your time.