u know illegal or not profit from weed grown here stays here, not sent to mexico or columbia or whereever else, thats gotta make a differanceohh ya
the company men with ben afflec
check it out
it all about the crash in the economy and how americans who are thinking outside the box and working hard are gonna help turn this thing around .Who knows maybe this cash crop is going to save the us economy
lol, naw, it's all good, but sometimes punks need a verbal bitch slap.japanfreak you off on one again? lol
my only regret is not starting sooner might have been able to keep my house
You weren't supposed to tell people about my penis, you promised.lest you get verbally ripped to shreds by a 5'2" Chinaman in his second language
LOL, you posted in a thread telling people not to sell their own homegrown because it gives us a bad name ( which is true) and you get flamed. Aint this site great now a days?!There are just too many fuckin cry babbies on here. At the end of my very first post I said thats just me. Meaning, This is my opinion, not a fact, an opinion. Japan started this name calling contest and your just riding along cupping his balls. Where the fuck did you even come from? Nobody said shit to you. And since you showed up, not only am I a wanker, I'm an asshole. Ouch guys.....I thought we were friends? Or hey, who knows, maybe I'm just a royal prick. So I sayto you both, and have a nice day. Sorry for fucking up your post RC7
arent you the guy who walks up and down fullerton ave. collecting cans?LOL, you posted in a thread telling people not to sell their own homegrown because it gives us a bad name ( which is true) and you get flamed. Aint this site great now a days?!
In what way does selling weed give people a bad name? Some self righteous growers might look down on 95% of their fellow growers but nobody cares about their opinions. The average non smoker isn't thinking, "those bastard growers are making a profit" they are only concerned about crime and violence. There is a completely ethical way to grow weed for profit.LOL, you posted in a thread telling people not to sell their own homegrown because it gives us a bad name ( which is true) and you get flamed. Aint this site great now a days?!
I try not to point fingers unless my hands are clean. At least, that's what Bob told me.Of course there is an ethical way to grow weed and smoke it. ( understand these are OUR morals, other people have diffrent opinions) And most of us probably do it. That still doesnt change the fact that being known as a "drug dealer" is looked down upon. Its a fact of life your never going to evade. Unless you plan on over throwing the government lol