growing from seed


Active Member
I recently purchased some blue dynamyte seeds and I germinated them successfully a week ago.I was to lazy to go to the hydro store to get what I usaually would use peat pots.I tried using seed starter from miraicle grow.I did 5 seeds 2 came up.The other 3 seem like forever its been a week its been a few yrs since I did anything from seed how long does it usually take?Is there a possibility that when I watered them they floated deeper to the bottom?


Well-Known Member
If you germinated the seed before planting it, it shouldnt take more then a week. Honestly I wouldnt have used the MG seed starters, next time just try planting them into the soil your using.

dogglet forever

Well-Known Member
doing it your MG method i seen seeds take two weeks to pop. i also seen where they grow up side down so you have to turn them upright to get them to grow right, however, those seedlings usually go through a growth spurt and then die off!?! i think there like the slow kids of the marijuana world.

dogglet forever

Well-Known Member
dig them out to find out... even though the MG method is not preffered in my book if the seeds are robust and want to to sprout they will germ in what ever moist enviroment their in.

the MG usually has fertilizer included in the soil to most regular people to who plants other than weed this is a good choice being low maintence and all. an execllent medium for weed and is what i personally use for a starter mix is Fox Farm Sunshine Warrior... it about oh 25.00 with tax at my local shop. then trans plant into FF
ocean forest. but usually pre-start my seeds in a glass moist paper towels in a dark place so i know for sure who spourted and who didn't. Fox Farm gets expesive to make up pots of.. and then nothing happens when i seed so i end up composting the soil so just in case i dont transfer anything to my veg room by reusing the soil and pot.


Active Member
Ive already geminated them Im just waiting on them to sprout out of the dirt.I just dont remember it taking this long especially since there already germinated then again this is the first time I used this method I usually use peat pots.2 already came out the dirt just waiting on 3.Do you think it would be safe to disturb even though there germinated or just give it sometime.I use pro mix could I transfer it.


Active Member
if it helps you any, I have regular dynamite and 10/10 germed using water method and 8/10 remained robust enough to continue as keepers


Well-Known Member
how long have they been in the dirt? if you germ'd them and they had a root hangin out when you planted then like said before it shouldn't be more than a week.


Active Member
This is what you need to do dont be to lazy stop smokingfor a second and go get those peat pots they work magic I love them when I use them this is obivously slower then cloning but just set those pete pots in warm water let them rise then if you want since ur lazy like me just pop one seed in each one get a nice light me i use HPS let them work their magic water them when dry it will take a week or two but who cares. GOOD LUCK

dogglet forever

Well-Known Member
i would say like you said "it's a wrap" man i dont see any harm now in digging in the there to see if you can salvage the sprout...

this is one that sprouted in a paper towel on the 9th of this month and i popped it in my pot on the tenth and on the 11th (this is the baby pic) we were growing.. keep track on this plant please its KB some indica but unknown if you help me identify i would be greatfull
