Growing Guidelines


Active Member
Does anyone know what guidelines you should follow so if there were any questions asked about it I would be legit?

For an example, I was told to keep my medical documents inside,
keep it locked, and your safer if you dont grow with kids in the house.



Well-Known Member
Sounds to me like common sense.

Only thing I could suggest is when asking questions provide the information needed to help you. Like a picture or two, what the plant is planted in like type of soil or compost. Nutrients you have used and when, how much light and water you give it and when.

Hope that helps,
You can ask me anything. I learned a lot here and I am glad to give back.

Hippy Girl

Does anyone know what guidelines you should follow so if there were any questions asked about it I would be legit?

For an example, I was told to keep my medical documents inside,
keep it locked, and your safer if you dont grow with kids in the house.

Keep far away from the kids.
Child endangerment will be thrown at you.